I don't feel ml's turn was a turn at all.
He lit killed her people en masse. Ofc he's intense
I think he does in fact love mc, but recognizes she's trying to get away and has used his affection for her against him (e.g. protecting banon)
And then all along also recognized all the scheming shes been up to, but has allowed it bc he didnt think it'd go anywhere (until recently). So is now showing his anger about it and even explicitly saying she's a possession so she can't use his affection against him (whether he actually recognizes any of his emotions as love, idk, but its pretty obvious that its more than just possession)
None of that makes me like him or want her to stay with him, ofc. I even thought "oh no he's fucking scary" when he snapped at her about love vs possession.

This comment section is wild lmao especially with how the novel goes, I'm curious how chat will change.
It feels like chat really wants heiner to be some one dimensional villain. I think that makes it easier to sympathize with and put yourself in the shoes of Annette, our ignorant noble girl who's trying hard to better herself after a neglectful and terrible marriage. We love to envision ourselves working hard and being the kind one, not terribly affected by trauma to the point we become the abuser. Heiner is incredibly frustrating, but I don't think I've hated the any of the characters including him. He, unfortunately for Annette at this point in the story, cares deeply in his own way. It's a tragic angst romance not a shoujo lol
The comments that really wilded me tho are the ones saying he's not suffering from ptsd lmao like huhhhh??? That's like half his whole thing lmao just because you can't envision that sort of ptsd doesn't mean its not real

Agreeee. People are really failing to see the nuance of this and it’s so sad lol.
They NEED Heiner to be a one dimensional villain because, if he wasn’t, they’d have to realize good people can do really bad things. And I don’t think they’re comfortable with that.
They need “green” and “red” flags. No grey, no in between. Only absolutes.
If they’d be more open minded, they’d be able to enjoy a lot more fiction without the need to compartmentalize characters into boxes.

Oh, for sure. I still get tired of reading the same low effort “ML is shit, amirite guys?” comments when I want to read axtual substance of what people think.
I get this type of thing isn’t for everyone but I’m always surprised by how many people hate read this webtoon when they KNOW they don’t like it lol.

100% agree.
Everyone just comments over and over about how much they hate Heiner, literally saying he should die. They see everything as both black and white, not understanding that even though he's hurt Annette in very serious ways, that he is still a person. It takes time to admit your faults and change as a person, especially after YEARS.
Furthermore, after so many chapters, you'd think they'd understand what kind of story this. This isnt your one dimensional shoujo romance. Like, they've said their piece. They don't like Heiner, screw him. Then why still read it????
Like, why can't people just say they like this story???? Is it that hard to accept??
Tbh, everyone out here saying how much they hate Heiner, are literally exhibiting the same behaviour he has and it’s halarious.

They always need a scapegoat. When will they understand that BOTH characters can be flawed in a story and have complicated, deep rooted feelings? They need to go read remarried empress and its dupes
I’m also reading another webtoon where everyone’s attacking the FL for not being “strong” right away. They wanted instant girl boss, no character development. Brainrot
Kinda love the turn.
There was just a little too many loose ends so I'm glad it's not hustling towards an ending like I thought it would.