So if Melissa is basically hijacking the plot of the novel, could that mean that she's slowly becoming the protagonist of it, and could conceivably get stuck in the loop Yuri's in? Like with nine becoming super protective in the last chapter, sure it's probably a coping mechanism following a traumatic event, but what if, and I'm just speculating here, what if Melissa is going to end up supplanting Yuri's place in the story and getting stuck in the story loop in her stead? I like that there's actually mysteries to be solved in this story.

I know Rashta is garbage but as an antagonist I find her compelling, more than anything I feel sorry for her. Maybe later in the manga they'll tackle the issue of why there's slavery in the east empire at all. I think it would be an interesting direction to take since slavery seems to be pretty common in this specific genre of fantasy.

I read it in the novel and earlier chapters of this manhwa that slaves in the empire are criminals that did something wrong and they are slaves until they paid their crimes off, so slaves are really the lowest of people there, and the fact that Trashta is a runaway slaves made her worse than those slaves
Imagine being a citizen in Heinley's kingdom right now, like the ruler of your country is hosting the newly divorced empress of a foreign country and intends to marry her? Peak drama and intrigue I'm here for this