disclaimer: long long comment ahead
im sick of the fan service. iirc, somebody already cleared up (i think it was the translator) that this is not a bl manhua according to the author and basically it’s just fan service (im not sure about this information, i just read it in one of the notices i think or in the comments) so i thought it would just be a couple of the grown up scenes but the story would revolve around the father-son dynamic overall.
i can distinctively remember when that one chapter where the main characters were gender bent into women was released and everybody was uncomfortable about it bc of the blatant sexual energy between the two but suddenly when it’s BL, a lot of the readers magically don’t find the dynamic creepy. it’s creepy. it’s weird to root for a romantic dynamic between an adoptive father and an adopted son. it’s weird to have sexual fantasies of your father as a grown up. and the fact that we have several chapters of context into their relationship and dynamic when the orange-haired dude was still a literal toddler, idk why a lot of u have a hard time finding this weird and uncomfortable. i can’t believe i still have to do this but imagine if this is a father-daughter relationship—there would be essays in the comments (like mine) dissecting and trashing the manhua and rightfully so. but since the main characters are both attractive (grown up version) guys, suddenly it doesn’t matter.
the age gap isn’t what’s concerning, it’s the fact that they met when one guy was a fully grown adult and the other was a child and have a father-son relationship with each other. if they met as adults, this wouldn’t be creepy. however, the older guy basically raised the orange-haired dude so wtf do u mean you “don’t mind that it’s BL”??? you can’t have a father-son relationship and a BL in the same goddamn couple, those two are mutually exclusive. this is why so many on queertwt and anitwt accuse fujoshis of sexualizing mlm relationships because some of you guys are perfectly fine with stuff like this (and even encourage it).
and it’s not just the fault of the audience, the author is equally weird for drawing the grown up chapters as well. this is weird and sexualizes an innocent, wholesome relationship. do u not see the pedophilic undertones of this (in the sense that, if in a parent-child relationship the child has sexual desires for their parent and we act like that’s okay and normal, it will become easier to accept a sexual/romantic relationship happening between the two, making us enablers of grooming/pedophilia. and it also makes pedos think that they can make a child fall in love with them, an adult. this is another needed conversation to be had but if you’ve ever read the discourse surrounding the book lolita, you’ll be familiar with this angle.)? now im not accusing the author of catering towards pedophiles obviously, but they should be mindful of what media they produce, especially content related to BL, a genre v misunderstood and hated by a lot of ppl bc of the negative connotations surrounding it.
idk why it’s taking this turn but Freud must be giggling in his grave rn.
PS: if u disagree with the main point of this comment, go argue with the wall. don’t justify your weird opinions to me. you’re not gonna make me change my mind. thanks.