ash created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

usually I have no issue with whoever gets picked at the end because it's telegraphed so obviously but holy shit. this one was also telegraphed but man was this done terribly. this guy is so horribly bad for him it's insane and there are 0 redeeming qualities other than being attractive. both options were pretty bad but there was a clear and obvious better choice here

ash created a topic of Night Fragments

sounds to me like she's gonna off herself because of something his dad did to her and then he's gonna off the dad and then himself.

ash created a topic of Nerd Project

I have read the filthiest most horrifying smut out there but this right here? this is fucking gold

ash created a topic of Can't Think Straight

IDGAF what matters is how people act when you're at your lowest point. sure, he's not a great person but he's helping our garam at an extreme point in his life with his mother

ash created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

not vibing with the art change. I need the grungy look the other art style gave the story and it fit with the themes perfectly

I know the translator is getting a lot of hate but man was this hard to read. the story is already a rough read what with all the harsh themes and that translation is the one making me flinch

ash created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

BABYYYYYYYYY let's fucking gooooo


he really said "you really good? nice, my turn"

ash created a topic of Yubisaki to Renren

at first I was bummed out cause I'm a slowburn kinda person you know? this feels very insta-love like but the characters are so good you just fall in love with along with them

ash created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

I never read these types of story despite the fact that I'm a gamer cause it's just weird but this one is actual gold. it's funny, the characters are relatable and it's amazing!!

ash created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

this is the best set of translations I've read istg. y'all's work is immaculate

ash created a topic of Wet Sand

I usually follow plots very well no matter how complex they are but I'm struggling with this one. it might be a binge necessary kind of read for me

ash created a topic of Green Apple Paradise

Miss ma'am, at this point no one knows what it s

ash created a topic of ENNEAD

this story would be way better without all the rape porn. you could take all but one scene out and it would be prob the best Egyptian mythology story out there.

ash created a topic of Love in Orbit

have never been happier to have cut off my disgusting father

ash created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

that kiss felt so forced to me. I wish there had been more initiative on Skylar's side just because the rough tugging from Cirrus makes it seem weird

that hair is a serious crime

ash created a topic of 1 to 10

god, it's me again, I just want to let you know you should look away for a second next week

ash created a topic of Night Fragments

his love isn't organic. MC did fall in love entirely organic but the ML just bonded onto the first person persistent enough to deal with his rude behavior

ash created a topic of Perfect Buddy

so I love this story to death but I have only one complaint. the size of that beastly appendage. we could've gotten away with a lot of size but that thing is just a monstrosity