ash created a topic of Night Fragments

every chapter reaffirms that aryka is just yoens replacement in the ML head. sick and nasty and he doesn't deserve that

ash created a topic of Crush and Burn

I need my man Agia back. what in the fuck


those dicks are jump scares and it isn't even because it's a dick, it's the paleness

ash created a topic of Sign

still fucking gold

ash created a topic of Nerd Project

if they don't switch I'm rioting

ash created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

why is getting all blushy and squirmish like he doesn't have a whole man? nah bud reel it in


it's hard cause I understand being stuck to an emotionally abusive parent and my partner wanting to help but being too stubborn to accept it. I also have been in Seo ahns shoes were my partner has been in the same situation and I'm just so desperate to help them. it's hard either way and there is no winninf

ash created a topic of One Summer Day

the comments are surprising. they do fuck a lot but so would I if that reaper was in front of ms

ash created a topic of Night Fragments

if my sibling told me they were interested in someone I could never lay a finger on them. that's just nasty

ash created a topic of When the Killer Falls in Love

I was all over this until these people got their necks slashed and are chilling the next day. the pink haired dude got slashed and shot and just held it together with a belt???? this author needed to do some minor research if they are going to write about people murdering others

ash created a topic of Crush and Burn

them automatically being like "ha! sucks to suck" makes his reaction 100% valid. hella friends they are to ken

ash created a topic of Wet Sand

everyone is going crazy over sides and I'm just hoping the author can stick to the story they are wanting to tell. I get flashbacks but this author is trying to tell me 3 stories at once and it's hurting them

ash created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

nah cause if you're not paying attention and spill your drink all over my shirt I'm gonna be well inclined to spill it all over you too. if I'm gonna be sticky, we both getting sticky

grown men not seeing what's right in front of them. it's everywhere this week lol

ash created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

that would make me tweak. this kid can't even act like they are just normal friends. it's not unusual to hang out outside of school hours or be talking while you do chores. why is he constantly acting like this

ash created a topic of Love in Orbit

the stupid "I need to push you away cause I like you" shit is so elementary. y'all are grown ass men

ash created a topic of Where the Dragon's Rain Falls

from beginning to end I was in love with all of them for very different reasons. it's obvious he's in love with Suryeon but he loves Saharah too. I'm not sure what people were expecting for this ending but it was always clear they would not get what they really wanted...and sometimes being happy with what you get is enough

ash created a topic of A Trace of the Wonder

this shit was amazing. straight up 5 stars.

ash created a topic of When Jasy Whistles

I could not physically, emotionally or mentally care less about these two. I need my main couple NOW

ash created a topic of Wolf In The House

The rest of the pack wanting to get a quick snack