what's funny is y'all seem to forget Sign had just as many sex scenes as this one does. if anything the author got better at making them cause they are crazy this time around
the way the top speaks to the bottom is cringe lol if anyone said the wonderland quote to me, my dick would shrivel
I'm gonna snitch myself out but seeing that natural dick has me drooling I hate myself. very few of these things draw dicks right or make them look appealing but this is one of them. down bad for the uncut redhead
I'm sorry but the scene could've been much better if I didn't have to see Vercike's burnt stub of an arm
I feel identified in these comments not liking the mc. see, at the beginning I loved her cause I could relate to a life of struggle but then she got brain dead by dragging Se-in along. after that it was the weird "I gotta be independent" shit and doyun slowly lost his personality. over all, funny AF but I wish the author could've stuck to the og plot line a bit more. maybe it's just the nature of the beast cause the story ran too long
our mc is so naturally kind and shameless id KMS if someone rejected me as strongly as Jigu does
I didn't think people would hate this as much as they do lol I'm just mindlessly enjoying since the art is good
I don't like how we just brushed past actual partner violence like that. not ok. on top of that why is Skylar such a fucking idiot bruh unless you're out there being flamboyantly homo no one is gonna think twice about you sleeping over at a friend's house. 'i fell asleep at the library" was such a petty and blatant lie.
what a huge blue ball of a cliffhanger how am I supposed to live laugh and love in these conditions?
you're scared shitless to the point of tears and snot and your man just laughs at you fucking kill me. bro