ash created a topic of One room TA

makes it really hard to like him if he's so willing to use someone like that

ash created a topic of Zero Day Attack

dirty talk that isn't cringy

ash created a topic of Dreadful Night

idk what this wave of showing up gaping assholes is but I need it to stop respectfully

ash created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

sucking your own semen out of someone's holes is diabolical

this ladys tits get bigger by the chapter

ash created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I know none of you degenerates are gonna have any kids but if you do, don't shave your kids head. that's a myth, they only look uglier

ash created a topic of Slammer Dogs

nothing sexier than mentioning the guys siblings while you jack him bro?

ash created a topic of Saturday's Master

i can't blame the bottom for drawing the line in a relationship that's as problematic as they come. the top just liked what he was eating and wanted more, can't blame him for that either. it's a sticky situation and I can understand the hesitancy to communicate that you want a different relationship when one was already established.

ash created a topic of Limited Run

this creator does the best sex scenes. they understand exactly how to draw tension and sensuality

ash created a topic of Crush and Burn

i love Agia...I really do...but I'd kms before I begged a man to fuck me

ash created a topic of Driver's High

and the shortest chapter in history goes tooooooo

ash created a topic of Wet Sand

this back story is very very needed. i felt nothing for tj and Ian cause all they had was sex. i couldn't feel anything at all. with this backstory tho? I'm getting the intimacy

ash created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

he's just so down bad

ash created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

what's hilarious to me is Skylar's reaction to this story as if this whole thing didn't start with Cirrus threatening him. how is it surprising that Cirrus would be a dick to someone else??

ash created a topic of Love in Orbit

i think I'd rather creators just leave me hanging with indefinite hiatus' instead of ending stories with shitty time skips that don't do anything. I'm gonna pretend that ending never happened

I'm dropping this at the speed of light if she fucks the freak

ash created a topic of When the Killer Falls in Love

aren't these the shortest chapters ever? I must be in hell already man, I don't remember swinging

ash created a topic of Crush and Burn

I'm pretty sure the author completely wants this reaction. this is a pretty interesting plot delivery and I'm here for it. let's see if they can pull it off

ash created a topic of Zero Day Attack

love me a bottom that gets to it

ash created a topic of Merry Marbling

everyone is too cute here for their own good