ash created a topic of The King of Home Dating

the longest backstory in history. all of this could be it's own story tbh

ash created a topic of Wet Sand

idk if the author is going to do this but I feel like we needed a bit more from tj and Ian's back story together. "whispered promises" ok...let me see them? it's less impactful to just tell us they had something other than sex and only show us the sex

ash created a topic of Cry Me a River

so this has always been atrocious. I wouldn't have minded if the author made them look more like real people in that jitae either got smaller or the mc got a big bigger but instead they stood ten toes down and decided to make the size difference worse

ash created a topic of When Pear Blossoms Bloom

this just certifies I'm fucked up. puppy dog eyes can find some ass somewhere else bro

ash created a topic of The Man Who Can't Taste

the author did such an amazing job at the beginning, acknowledging the issues and making sure we, as the readers, knew that these are deep rooting problems that dont just go away when you fall in love with someone. suddenly tho...we don't have that. I need the author to take a hiatus, and I hate hiatus with my soul but I need them to recenter themselves and give me the story they promised, not some third rate shonen ai

ash created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I get that being different is usually not a good thing to experience (trust, been there done that) but ultimately that's none of her business. she could've just pulled him aside and spoke with him if she thought it was that serious. if anything I'd give double the support if I thought my village chief, that puts in all this extra effort, was gonna get ostracized in any kind of way

ash created a topic of Crucial Point

do these guys even like each other? good god all they do is bicker and smack each other around

ash created a topic of Guiding Hazard for three chapters in a row me thinks

ash created a topic of Cry Me a River

if jitae's proportions were normal he'd be the single hottest top in yaoi. ever.

ash created a topic of I’m being raised by villains

my issue is she's an actual adult but still acts like a kid in this life. she can be more cunning


you gonna let him sleep with an ass full of cum bro? that's diabolical

ash created a topic of A Man Who Gives It All

that was disgusting

ash created a topic of The Man Who Can't Taste

that's a full droppable offense tbh. I'd straight up tell him he's got a month to move his shit out and I don't want to see him in my life.

I need that man desperately

I hate him. I swear I hate him. that dirty talk thooooooo makes me wanna kneel

ash created a topic of Dreadful Night

the sex is incessant. I'm trying to get to the plot bro

ash created a topic of Crucial Point

the ml is bipolar at this point

it's crazy how y'all are straight up slut shaming this guy but if it was the MC going wild in these straight there would be crickets and pitchforks if anyone mentioned it. so is sleeping around good or nah?

those red hot penis heads are insane who colored this pls

ash created a topic of The Man Who Can't Taste

have mercy on my soul. im typing this with one hand rn