Its about this girl that woke up in the future and shes the only human left and has to reproduce with a god, an angel, a beastman?(cant remember), and a demon(not actually a demon I just forgot what he was called in order for the children to grow up and save the world. Sounds weird ik but I was actually pretty interested in how the story was gonna turn out it is a spicy story but JOKES ASIDE im reading for the plot. Cant remember the name of it for the life of me so if anyone knows the story pls lmk.
I tried looking it up and tons of other results came up so ill give some story details to be more specific If it helps. Some other characters are a doctor lady, and two little girls who the fl really cares about. The fl lives in a really big estate and after waking up she received the most kindness from the beast man so she kinda caught feelings for him. She also dosent rly wanna have the kids bc she dosent want them to be a tool for war. She also finds herself really depressed at times because shes the only human left and she has no friends or family and life is nowhere near the same as it was before. Last thing is shes sick bc in the future its basically just not suitable for humans so she eventually will die/wont live very long so thats smthn else shes sad about because she was basically brought back to life just to live that life unwillingly
Its already hard enough to find a dude like this and she just has to go and mess him up and ruin him for any normal girl that he’ll get withI already know this is gonna end with him heart broken while shes all fine and happy in her marriage and never gets caught or anything
And he's gonna become the biggest incel known to man after that I just know guys like him are stupid