that cream puff was flipping vile!
so they woke up in the story again, i was getting worried about his cancer for a while.
ugh why'd his horn get all veiny and leaking like a d*** Σ(っ°Д °;)っ
Do u think demon's horns are actually their d***s?? Maybe they'd be moving back and forth like a bull when they're having intercourse LOL
Didn't you notice the white juice coming out of it? /srs
Loving it so far!
my god! i wanted her to tell her dad to punch this guy til he pukes, so badly! maybe lie n say he snatched a ring and swallowed it to spite her, i dunno!
mc doing thousand years of death from naruto on the dragon XDD
I know he's supposed to be corrupted by the mc but his hair just dying itself black took me completely by surprise! so cool. O////O
I loved the second couple's story
He doesn't have to marry her, just give her semen in a cup and a turkey baster
that cream puff was flipping vile!