phoenixwing67's feed

phoenixwing67 asked a question

I know this is a hot take, but I'm genuinely curious if there's anyone else who has the same/similar view as me. So, here it is: I don't care about secondary pairings in BL manga/manhwa. Like, I skip them until the main pairing returns. For me, I'm reading the manga/manwha for the main pairing, so for another couple to be thrust upon me in the middle of some drama, I don't care? I've been reading BL for over a decade and I can only think of two secondary couples that I actually prefer over the main, and those are 19 Days, and Liveta. Otherwise, I skip. I've heard people gush about the secondary couple for BJ Alex, and I did try to read their story, but couldn't. Maybe if I reread a series, I'll delve into the side pairing, but even that is rare. I'm just curious if I'm alone in this?