New addition!*
This group chat recently got 2 new lunch ladies, 4 more secretaries, and a janitor.
The gc has also received a donation from Hillary Clinton so the facade will be renovated and the frick toys restored!^^ reply
Ok so before you misunderstand, I saw one comment telling their fav uke and semes and the other picking the one they would prefer between a) and b) of the question so Imma just say both my fav uke´s and my option in a) and b) of the question
Before we go into anything, as a girl, if I were to pick between being a seme or uke in a manga I´D BE A S...... reply
I actually searched on google the exact same thing you said and got nothin that seems to be the manga you are looking for I´m sorryyy TT
But if you want, I can reccommend some for you that have somewhat the same concept.~
But anyway if someone wants to chat here´s my insta: @namjoonerish reply