thicc.nicki created a topic of Sketch

Never busted a nut so fast my whole life

thicc.nicki created a topic of Yeonwoo's Innocence

Yeah boi hug that arm harder

thicc.nicki created a topic of Swallow You Whole

Dont bute the nip off bruh

thicc.nicki created a topic of Ang Ang

Yeah you about get tied, just not to the ceiling but to a grave old man

thicc.nicki created a topic of The Abyss

All those guards must deal with his shit and see it all day, collective trauma it is

thicc.nicki created a topic of Pearl Boy

Y'all insinuating that fountain doohsik is next now i can't keep it in my pants

thicc.nicki created a topic of Swallow You Whole

them titties peeking at me from in-between those fingers had me running and drooling like a dawg damn i love tits on men idc what no one says

thicc.nicki created a topic of Dear, 00

Them bodyguards must've heard thangs

thicc.nicki created a topic of Roses and Champagne

It fucks me up that they never addressed the fact that he ...shot him thrice , and raped him while he was shot and i can take rape i mean ffs its yaoi rape is always included the brainrot that come with is already existing, howevef the fact that he fucking shot him and went on with his life like ...bruh wait a damn minute there , did it go differently in the book ?

thicc.nicki created a topic of Dear, 00

My legs levitating up And sideways

thicc.nicki created a topic of Jinx

Y'all that's not a black ghost its sleep paralysis i thought that much was obvious

He got up that hill and ruled the world for a bit then rolled down so fast he literally fell into a gutter what a double fuck up

thicc.nicki created a topic of Dear, 00

Adam going through an unexpected pick me phase yeah gurl get into it

thicc.nicki created a topic of Surge Looking For You

Crying fat ugly tears that yi-ri is literally and unholdable 2d creature ,makes me wanna become 2d myself