bruh am damn confused about the boy and the wolf yaoi, first of all why is everyone on tiktok denying it is yaoi? and is it a remake of a wattpad strory or a manga? because when i searched it up a wattpad story of the same title popped and a manga pannel with the same title too popped only diffrence is in the pannel the uke looked diffrent and i dont remember that pannel at all while i was reading the manga so it surely was another manga so is there like two mangas of the same story with sae art but a diffrent uke? man my brain is sizzling rn
how did yall cut the unhealthy coping mechanisms ? damn am stuck ( adding manga content to not get reported)
have yall seen the seme of payback ? mf hawt asffff (actually am being genuine he's indeed hawt but thats beside the point)
Well, for me I kept indulging Coz I know I’ll get disgusted by myself (overachiever syndrome side is rampant ) then yeah I got disgusted and was like how long my depressed ass gonna do this and cut it off
I don’t know whether this works for everyone, but my therapist said it works for me, coz I supposedly have strong principles and giving a free reign removes the novelty of the habit and rendering it useless as a coping mechanism
I hope it helps
P.S fuck yeah he is HOT
I hate how the albino bitch just got to walk away