So there's this DJ, I think, with what look like gintama x hijikata, but like Harada art style or close. But they were teacher x student... I can't remember what is called or find it and already looked through all Harada and others

anyway, here are some ginhiji that are student x teacher, but it's not from here
https://myreadingmanga. info/gekirin-syaku-worlds-end-call-1-gintama-dj-eng/ (has 4 chapters)
https://myreadingmanga. info/gekirin-syaku-stromatolite-gintama-dj-eng/
https://myreadingmanga. info/plug-nagisa-gintama-dj-rewrite-volume-1-eng/ (has 4 chapters)
https://myreadingmanga. info/plug-nagisa-kyou-mo-ashita-mo-asatte-mo-gintama-dj-eng/

here's what i was talking about lol it's harada but not ginhiji
1) http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/yugami_hajime/
2) http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/kyoushitsu_no_yugami/
So my manga is not uploading and showing all pictures... is that what that means up in the top
yes, it does ╥﹏╥
Is there any way to fix this
Bestie, I don’t know
the mods have to
Does anyone know when it'll be fixed and sites I can go to while I wait?