lololololololol2's feed

lololololololol2 created a topic of Homeless/No Home

This is probably the only story that will resinate with me so much. I remember reading this shortly after my grandmother passed away and my relationship with my mom suffered afterwards. I never rlly dealt with it I would just do schoolwork and sit in my room watching cartoons, but I never was thinking about anything it was like my mind went blank. This story does a really good job at showing how grief works and how much of an impact it truly leaves. I remember people telling me that it'll go away with time, but it really doesn't. Even now I'll be at a party and see something my grandmother would use and I become a mess. I don't think they'll ever be a storyline as good as this one. All the characters are relatable and I relate to most of the trauma they've all been through. I don't really like mangas or webtoons, but this is the one story I will always re-read. I wrote my college essay about this webtoon when I was rlly depressed and I thought it was a stupid thing to write, because it was corny. But in the end it was actually really sweet and I got into college. I'm re-reading it now after finding a screenshot on my phone and this webtoon really changed my life. I think everything they've said I've said. I relate to wanting to be successful because of how shitty your life is, trying your best at something because your parents hate it, walking around mindlessly drowning in grief, and despising everyone because they have somewhere to go at the end of the day. I'm moving far away from this place and I'm going to be successful I don't care who reads this because I just needed to get this off my chest. I'm going to be so rich that no ones going to undermine me anymore or raise their hand at me ever again and I'm not going to cry over empty items I'd rather enjoy the moment. Anyways if you do end up reading this I hope you enjoyed the manga and I always come back and hope there's an extra storyline, but I understand why there's not one now. It feels complete this is the ending where everyone overcomes their issues and are able to grow into different paths. Also just know if u relate to this webtoon things are going to get better just focus on youself and set a goal. Even if it's something really stupid just enjoy ur life and do dumb shit. Like make a fool out of yourself don't waste ur time being sad. I wish I smiled more and spent more time with others. Re-reading this now is honestly really eye-opening. I was a really broken person when I first picked this up and now I'm completely different. I still get sad over my grandparents death and I still have panic attacks about past experiences, but I'd rather look towards the future.