I watch the movie... Its sad but not enough to make me cry bcz my emotion is kinda fucked.
But reading the manga made me cry a few drop of tears. When hiro stop mika from commit suicide.
Its really sad.. Since i kinda already watch the movie i already know the ending but i cntinue reading bcz of the details.
I really hate aya bcz she wasnt a good person, selfish, self-centered bitch and its not even cute. And the mika is kinda... Idk.. for letting yuu go but the heart choose what it want.
Hiro being a jerk is so uncalled..... Why suffer for years pushing her away but when the time come, he dont want to be alone and cling to her. They could have spend a lot of time together if they didnt broke up...
I was rooting for heil since the beginning bcs the relationship between river and khaol just to one sided and there is no balance.
I dont think i can ever wrap around my head the fact khaol helped his groom being murdered and can still kinda be civil with Lari. No matter how much he want his ex back, i just cant accept that. I hope khoel continue to suffer and lose kaveri because he didnt deserve him to.
Although he filled with regret now, he just to pathetic and coward.
Its my second time reading this webtoon here and my heart broke for yoseob. I meant he was mentally ill and unstable and the only thing he trust was jaeha.
It doest justify his action toward taeoh and yura but he just dont understand and its so sad. The ending was terrible.(author did a great job btw)
I always wish it will goes on different way. Yoseob line 'if this what i have to do in order to to know what feelings feel' s like, i rather not know at all'
It really deep. Its like its the first time his heart feeling pain.
Tbh i really dislike taeoh. For all the things he did toward jaeha.. Jaeha such an angel. So kind hearted and a good person despite all the suffering hes been through.
I really like this manhua!
THE FIRST TIME I READ ABOUT women who despise the male main character in novel world. Kinda refrehing tho.
And i think there something off about yuri and i cant put my finger on it. My spidey sense is thingling. Lol