Why does he hate cocaine so much ? It just doeant make sense the guy is a victim just like him , he literally does nothing .
I really thought cocaine is the MC not the jealous kid .
And he is so stupid when he thought that he stole his older brother !!! The man is mentally retarded and he is taking him seariously .
I read all available chapters here , and I dont like it maybe its not my type of stories , I will stop reading this .
After seeing what the emperor did to sogetsu , now I understand why loki in remei no arcana wanted a country just for ajins and separated them from the humans.
Sogetsu cruel fate really reminded me of loki who had to even hide the fact that he is his master's brother
Does the second brother not know that the father was sexually harrasing his older son ?
The name of the novel has sun in it , my question WHERE IS THIS SUN !!! ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
Eveyone in this story is insane , why did I read this ( ̄∇ ̄")
"Freedom" that was painful to hear , give him some peace already
This is so sad (︶︿︶)=凸 , what does the grandfather get out of this surgery anyways ?
Please tell me you went back to retire and quit Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
Wait he let her people go just so he can kill them when they are escaping ??? Or am I missing something , the F is this .
I feel like no matter how long I wait I wont get any progress on their relationship at all , I really wanted update on their relationship some sweet moments him confronting his past . All of this flew out the window with this american Japanese movie thing it is so boring it could have been ok after some character development but now ????
Also it is so funny to me that in the beginning she is communicating with tsuruga san and moko san through EMAIL and now we are talking about insta ??