I finished this webtoon in one go and i felt so...empty. I wish I can see both of them living happily ever after but things fucked up one after another to the point I know they will never make it.
I cant believe it ended that way but I also understand why it gotta end that way...but at least!!! tell me!!! whos the fucking murderer!!! I need to know who fucked up my poor lil gusanm whos an adorable kind lil puppy. I hate the fact that theres no final revelation, and the fact that theres no redemption for my boys even though they are innocent.
I hate this webtoon but I also love it. It made me attached to the characters just to rip my heart into pieces...but kudos to the author. I really felt their love that my heart aches for their happiness. Be happy my babies...brb i need to write a fanfic to give them a better ending

DISGUSTING SHIT the author is just weird and horny literally just romanticising rape. There’s nothing ‘psychological’ its just fucked up and used the ‘psychological’ tag to make it sound acceptable when it’s just pure shit. I’m so disgusted. They treated kyungsoo like sextoy and hes okay and found Yul cute? What the fuck. The story is fucked up. Stop calling it ‘dark’ and ‘twisted’ just so you can make a fetishised porn without plot sounds interesting.
Jezuz what did i just saw