Yes but at the same time Lady Winston had already began showing her products in high society parties so she has that to her advantage and everyone knew her perfumes are used by Cedric so we also have that
??? There's no cat though lmao, who looks like Kayden?!! Lucy
Aaaahhh waiiiitt!!! I thought you were comparing a character to Kayden from ELECEED haha, my bad!!! Kayddn is her broooo, okay i see lol, he is awesome!
Aaaahhh waiiiitt!!! I thought you were comparing a character to Kayden from ELECEED haha, my bad!!! Kayddn is her broooo, okay i see lol, he is awesome! Lucy
Aaaahhh waiiiitt!!! I thought you were comparing a character to Kayden from ELECEED haha, my bad!!! Kayddn is her broooo, okay i see lol, he is awesome! Lucy
reading this in one sitting feels like a fever dream
It's so rushed and boring. There are other titles that managed to fit the story in 100 chapters without making it feel rushed.
I couldn't empathize with the couple because of how obnoxiously fast-paced the story was. I couldn't care less anymore if they die or something