Sense has chased you all your life yet you are faster. If I were to knock on your head, there’d be an echo.

2023-08-19 10:10 marked

I have tons more-

2021-05-16 12:26 marked

2021-05-15 17:10 marked

*drinks water*

2021-05-06 16:17 marked

i have so much i want to do, i want to feel alive and live like a reckless teenager, i want to someday remember my golden days and regret nothing, its literally the only thing i look forward to in life now, but i always catch myself freezing up when even just the thought of being involved with society, being seen, or just being outside in the open.......

2021-05-02 10:59 marked

Lewd? Definitely these guys

2021-04-26 19:47 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2021-04-26 01:07 marked

Im just a literally some dude in your life. Well stray cats always come to my house and some even stay with me ^^ actually... The reason i answer this was to say to those who feel your life is useless and meaningless, please, i may not know what you had been through your life but please never think about ending your own life. This is a serious iss......

2021-03-12 11:02 marked

This is an automated message generated by the Snapchat team. Your message has been found to be a violation of 42 U.S.C § 1283 (2020). The message you sent has been scanned by our AI Bot and was flagged as sexual harassment. Your account is scheduled to be reported to the police. Our bot is currently in BETA testing in which it makes mistakes. If......

2021-03-12 11:01 marked
Just like that non-canon Christmas special, I hope the author makes another non-canon chapter where Cain is the police officer and Joon is the demon, all the while retaining their personalities. Knowing Cain, I bet he would be that hardy, cocky, and badass kind of a cop while Joon is a type of demon who needs to do stuff necessary for his kingdom while getting morally conflicted in doing so. I bet what will happen is that the demon Joon, thinking he is a predator will unwittingly and hilariously become Cain's prey.

Just look at them. Demon Joon looks so adorable and papa Cain looks so hawt.
2020-07-10 02:53 marked
Do I look like piece of clothing??? DON'T LEAVE ME HANGING PLEASEEEE ╥﹏╥
2020-05-11 16:19 marked

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