MINAAAAAAAA im crying rn idk why
MIneta is not useless right now that's why I love her so much
this is not a spoiler i think:
i think kirishima is the traitor as i saw him on a video and i was shocked / sad / mad ect

I'm not sure how it started with one of the students becoming a target of a possible traitor. But there's a chapter that has Aizawa-sensei talking to the education board and he mentioned that there was a possibility of a traitor within the group.
Hella sure it was the chapter before when Aoyama was going crazy to get Deku attention for cheese.... like 90% sure ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Hello how are you togay I mean today hum so
anyways if he touches him- i'll kill him haha
this actually made me laugh out loud lmao
We will kill him