food trend. everybody's new favorite fad is mentioning food. As if it's cool to mimic each other in every single thing like a hive mind. don't you guys ever get tired of not having any ideas of your own?
food trend. everybody's new favorite fad is mentioning food. As if it's cool to mimic each other in every single thing like a hive mind. don't you guys ever get tired of not having any ideas of your own? Quicksilver
Idk why but I love this like he was toxicAnd then he became a soft boy Anyways y’all hate the side couple but every relationship start somewhere like you know
Please tell me if they are together ( I don’t ship them) but PLEASE MAKE AN ANIMEEE
They get married and have a kid
Bruh no whyyyy it’s not that I hate her but I love the orange girl if you remember her
It’s in the light novel I don’t ship her either nor do I like or dislike her