why the fuck are ppl shipping kaeluc ... literally you guys would pick up tiny crumbs to make it into a ship. they both hate and don't exactly trust each other, it's obvious they don't even think about dating each other too. kaeya literally says "diluc and i are like brothers" did you guys skip that part? yes stepbro love is something, but these stepbros don't consider each other as brothers. as you can see kaeya himself considered their relationship brother-like..

Well to put it simply when it comes to shipping what characters feel for each other in canon dosen't matter like there are so so many enemies out there that many people ship because they like the possibilitys or the dynamics or so many characters especially in lgbt ships that see each other as best friends or brothers/sisters but we ship them anyway for various reasons so don't sweat it too much i personally like the shared past and completed feelings they have towards each other i also agree that they have no romantic feelings for each other in the canon but the ship and fan content is enjoyable all the same

first of all they both see each other as brothers because they ARE brothers. i know ppl have their own type of romance but shipping it with literal siblings is disgusting. what is there to enjoy about this ship. they hate each other and clearly are no where near "i love you" phase at all. this is coming from someone who enjoys enemies to lovers. the ship is gross, its not debatable.

Yeah i think they see each others as brothers too( like how keith and shiro from voltron do ) but i don't agree that they are actually brothers i think this part is mostly depends on each persons prospective really like i've never seen anyone call emma x Norman, Emma x Ray from the promised neverland or mika x yuu from owari
no seraph or heavens forbid haebom and taesung from cherry blossoms after winter incest i personally wouldn't have shiped kaluc if they had grown up together since they were babies and found up they weren't actually brothers in an older age ( like thor loki ship ) but they were fairly old and knew from the beginning that they were not in fact brothers so i don't have a problem with it as for them hating each other i have to disagree because sure they're both very salty about what happened in the past but they obviously care about each other like how kaeya expressed his relief about diluc actually having someone around to help him or have diluc despite saying that the vase kaeya gave him is ugly still keeps it dawn winery's main hall.

bruh why are you bringing up little 15- kids into this, you do realize norman, ray and emma grew up together. its different from kaeya and diluc. also who the fuck ships keith with shiro? tf?? also ngl im pretty sure if kaeya knew yall were shipping him with someone he views as a brother figure then he'll be grossed out. yall could literally just ship albedo with kaeya and make it a day. im pretty sure you even ship ereri with the way you view other ships. btw haebom and taesung dont view each other as brothers so its fine, taesung literally said that he didnt want haebom as his brother so he didn't say that haebom was his brother. thats different from this situation. kaeya DOES think of diluc as his brother.

Mind you i never said i ship these characters but most of fandom dose ( what you said just makes shipping them worse right? )as for keith and shiro i'm pretty sure they are the second most favourite ship
i would know cause i once searched it out of curiosity i personally ship klance and um haha they are literal fictional characters?? I'm sure if chuuya knew i shiped him with dazai or if katsuki knew about me shipping him with anyone i would be dead i don't understand why i should take fictional characters feelings into consideration when i ship two characters ah and i also like kaeya and albedo ship it's a pretty nice ship too anyway it doesn't matter guess we just ship in very different ways