Juri October 6, 2016 2:32 pm

Wow Sawamura and Miyuki own like a half of the total votes, it's fantastic ヾ(☆▽☆)

Juri September 19, 2016 12:15 pm

Their happy story 2 year later.

Kei said welcome home to his husband, Tsu asked if the child had sleep already, and he complained that he was just able to see their son only on Saturday morning, he got worried that his son would forget his papa, then Kei told him it would not happen since his son loved papa a lot. Since Tsu's holiday would start from tomorrow he wondered if they could have a little sex with each other.
Tsu worried that if it's okay for Kei, since it's almost 2 years, they didn't have real sex ( mainly because they have to grow the child, and also Kei's body still hasn't completely accepted Tsu ) then Kei again affirmed that he would be fine, and they made love, Kei whimpered " your finger feels good " and he started making sound which made Tsu worried, and when he asked him if he was hurt, Kei refuse saying that it's not hurt, it felt so good, he felt genuinely happy, he loved ( daisuki ) Tsugitsugu and everything that belonged to Tsugitsugu. " I love you too, Kei" ( he used the legendary aishiteru here XD )

Next scene, Kei said he wanted to have sex in his next heat but Tsu told him they would not have time for that cuz they had to grow their son and he thought that if Kei just ignored the heat, it would fade eventually. Kei disagreed by saying if that he would be 50 years old men at that time. Then Tsu asked him " then what ? " , " it would be always full of happiness from now on. " Kei smiled and said.

11 years later after the seed has flourished
The white haired boy complained that he felt sad since the black hair was not an omega, since if he was one, he just needed to bite his neck and they would become mates. Then the black hair said he didn't think mates were important since his mom had a mate but he would always and always be by his papa's side. The white hair then felt relived and said maybe being mates was not important but living by the other boy's side was a different thing to him.

The end.

Note : I may not re-read this project since it's too heavy for my taste, but in other way it beautifully described how unlimited ones's love would go, right? ( but again too heavy for my taste. )

    BlackYuki September 19, 2016 2:35 pm

    It's here! Thank you very much! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Juri September 20, 2016 5:01 pm
    It's here! Thank you very much! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ BlackYuki

    You're welcome. I'm glad if you enjoy the story, their love's really sweet. I have to admit that Omegaverse is very addictive.

    obake-chan October 6, 2016 7:01 pm

    Thank you so much!
    Since a sudden stop in releases usually means the work is probably dropped / forgotten for who knows how much time / got licensed / etc, your summaries are a huge help ^ω^ I wanted to know what was going to happen, and now I can imagine it (⌒▽⌒)

    Juri October 7, 2016 12:25 pm
    Thank you so much! Since a sudden stop in releases usually means the work is probably dropped / forgotten for who knows how much time / got licensed / etc, your summaries are a huge help ^ω^ I wanted to know w... obake-chan

    you're welcome. I'm not good at translating things but I truly understand how much frustrating when a favourite project got dropped, so I did this work. Hopefully, it helps. Actually, Kei's always been in love with Tsugi but since he didn't want people to look down on Tsugi by being with an Omega, he also had to refrain his love.

    obake-chan October 11, 2016 6:59 pm
    you're welcome. I'm not good at translating things but I truly understand how much frustrating when a favourite project got dropped, so I did this work. Hopefully, it helps. Actually, Kei's always been in love ... Juri

    I would say you made a great job! I understand the text perfectly, helped a lot ;U;
    Aww, I am glad those two can love each other without restraint x'D

    Juri October 13, 2016 7:38 am
    I would say you made a great job! I understand the text perfectly, helped a lot ;U;Aww, I am glad those two can love each other without restraint x'D obake-chan

    Thank you so much for your encouraging words, I cry tears of joy right now(⌒▽⌒)

Juri September 16, 2016 5:26 pm

The beginning of chapter 5 is a flashback where they were in elementary school, there was a school trip that day. The childrens talked about not being near Kei because him being an omega would lure people and it's troublesome, the only one who protected for Kei is Tsugitsugu said playing with an omega is not dangerous, Kei was really moved by hearing that and said Tsugitsugu that Kei would find a alpha soon, and he'd never bring Tsugitsugu any trouble so please be friend with him.
Coming back to the present, Kei was together with the Alpha, the Alpha complain that, despite him wanting a child with his 13th lover ( Kei is 13th lover ) Kei went as far as taking emergency contraceptive pill. The alpha wanted to give Kei a new high class apartment as well as living expense. Then he laughed and said he wanted to have sex but since Kei didn't want that, he stopped by saying he would not do it by force either.
When Kei was alone, he felt relieved that he didn't get pregnant with that alpha, he had money and other luxuries but why he felt so empty and lonely inside.

Next scene was about Tsugitsugu, during work he remember that day was the day Kei was in heat, and felt worried but tried to not think about that. However, after seeing the alpha was flirting with another omega in front of his eyes, he got angry and yelled at the alpha that he had to be by Kei's side now since he may be in heat now, the alpha laughed and told him that he had many lovers so he couldn't care for any particular person, then he said if Tsugitsugu was that worried for the Omega, how's about getting down on his knee in front of the Alpha, he would tell him Kei's new address.

Coming back to Kei, he's in heat and had to took the medicine 3 days in a rows, suffering the negative effect. He was sad seeing Tsugistugu and asked him to leave, but Tsugistugu told him that " I didn't give up on you for this. Since now on, I act on my will " . Hearing that Kei cried and said " you already did what you want and left alone this useless omega ", Kei wanted Tsugitsugu to fuck him so hard that he could bear Tsugitsugu's baby, Tsugisugu was stunned hearing that cuz after being biten by a alpha, Omega would not be able to accept anyone else ( their bodies achy, vomit, headache and so on ). However, Kei reassured that if that's with Tsugistugu then he can make it slowly.
Kei told Tsugitsugu to tied him up and make love with him, so his body could not hurt Tsugitsugu. Tsugitsugu was upset seeing how Kei was suffering while having sex with him, then Kei asked him to stroke his face and saying " I love the most whenever you're doing this for me. " then Kei wanted Tsugistugu to come deeper in him, so he could get pregnant his child, he'd be content just with that and would take care of the child own his own. Tsugitsugu was angry hearing that, he were not that irresponsible and asked Kei for marriage.

Later, Kei refused the Alpha saying he's getting married, the Alpha was really suprised telling Kei that was the first time his omega was stolen by a Beta.

In the last part of this chapter, when Kei was doing house work, Tsugistugu told him that he shouldn't do everything, he would share the housework with him. Then Kei smiled and told him that he didn't have to mind that, as a husband he just needed to care for his work at the company, and his most happiness is to be Tsugistugu's wife, even though he often worried that he didn't deserve to be his wife, but from then on, he would stop thinking about that and just try his best to make Tsugistugu happy.

    BlackYuki September 19, 2016 4:55 am

    OMG. You're a harbringer of yaoi love, a dutchess to the Domain of Yaoi. Thank you very much esteemed one. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Juri September 19, 2016 11:16 am
    OMG. You're a harbringer of yaoi love, a dutchess to the Domain of Yaoi. Thank you very much esteemed one. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ BlackYuki

    Thank you for your nice words, hopefully, my bad writting didn't hurt your eyes ヾ(☆▽☆)

    BlackYuki September 19, 2016 2:26 pm
    Thank you for your nice words, hopefully, my bad writting didn't hurt your eyes ヾ(☆▽☆) Juri

    Not at all. Your writing's great. Brief, concise, and fluent. Thank you for your hardwork. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Juri September 20, 2016 4:57 pm
    Not at all. Your writing's great. Brief, concise, and fluent. Thank you for your hardwork. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ BlackYuki

    thank you so so so much for your encouraging words, it really makes my day <3

    Lee September 20, 2016 10:31 pm

    Thanks a lot. your skill of writing is easy to understand, i like it

    Juri September 21, 2016 3:30 pm
    Thanks a lot. your skill of writing is easy to understand, i like it Lee

    thanks for your encouraging words <3 and I am glad that you enjoyed the translation.

Juri September 15, 2016 1:34 pm

Do anyone need a translation since the update takes quite a while, I can do a raw translation if you want.

    raindragon September 15, 2016 10:03 pm

    Everyone will love you for any translation you can give us, even if it's just one sentence!

    Juri September 16, 2016 4:07 pm
    Everyone will love you for any translation you can give us, even if it's just one sentence! raindragon

    Okay, I'll make new topic for it.

    raindragon September 16, 2016 6:38 pm
    Okay, I'll make new topic for it. Juri

    I'll vote for a translation of the final chapters of "Hang Out Crisis" It's a good story, and the art is beautiful. It's also HOT, which appeals to the pervert in me. LOL There's so many great, untranslated mangas. Thank you in advance for your hard work. Our translators are our beloved, adored, precious people.

    BlackYuki September 19, 2016 5:14 am

    Hello. Could you please do a rough translation of the chapter 6 of Romantic Joutou too? I'm curious about the two children. Thank you very much.

    Juri September 19, 2016 11:17 am
    I'll vote for a translation of the final chapters of "Hang Out Crisis" It's a good story, and the art is beautiful. It's also HOT, which appeals to the pervert in me. LOL There's so many great, untranslated ... raindragon

    thank you so much for your nice words, I'll check for it later (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Juri September 19, 2016 11:20 am
    Hello. Could you please do a rough translation of the chapter 6 of Romantic Joutou too? I'm curious about the two children. Thank you very much. BlackYuki

    I'll try to do it tonight or tomorrow, please be patient with me for awhile. the black haired child was their son.

    BlackYuki September 19, 2016 2:32 pm
    I'll try to do it tonight or tomorrow, please be patient with me for awhile. the black haired child was their son. Juri

    I knew it. I can only understand fragments on their convo. Thank you for your hardwok. Bless your fojushi spirit.

Juri September 14, 2016 6:36 am

I finish reading this B/L, I must admit that this is one of the best Omega Universe B/L out there, the art is stunning and the plot is good as well. I like such story since it's cute <3

    Noisymura September 1, 2016 8:51 pm

    Thank you.

    Ugh I'm so mad. Why do annoying characters keep appearing ? Well that bitch is the worst so far, closely followed by that creepy teacher (I'll want to kill him if he's related to what happens at the end of the chapter since I thinks it's him near Haru, not sure tho).
    The new kid looks cute.
    But ugh at the end I kept thinking "Haru don't stand there she'll push you, Haru back down ! She'll push you I know it !" and I was right. And pretty sure he'll lose his memory once again ... Drama incoming !! Not sure how I feel about it -_-

    Anonymous September 2, 2016 1:11 pm
    Thank you.Ugh I'm so mad. Why do annoying characters keep appearing ? Well that bitch is the worst so far, closely followed by that creepy teacher (I'll want to kill him if he's related to what happens at the e... Noisymura

    The Drama. But i cant stop thinking its sooo stupid that he gest so injured from someone pushing him down the stairs. He is phisically fit. People dont get so hurt just becouse someone pushhed them... hate when they use in in manga or anime

    Anonymous September 2, 2016 1:18 pm
    Thank you.Ugh I'm so mad. Why do annoying characters keep appearing ? Well that bitch is the worst so far, closely followed by that creepy teacher (I'll want to kill him if he's related to what happens at the e... Noisymura

    If he really loses memory again i am done reading it

    Anonymous September 2, 2016 3:13 pm

    I think i will waiting until 5or6 chapter then read again.....
    Coz i'm afraid this will became tragedy to ren..... Uwaaaaaa........

    Juri September 2, 2016 5:49 pm

    I have to admit that drama plot is trendy lately, every manga I've read turned very very dramatic since 2016.

    Anonymous September 3, 2016 5:00 pm

    NOOO!!! It cant be happening during Haru's birthday... Dont leave Ren behind, he still needed Haru's love to grow... Uwaaa... Sensei is really killing our hearts... (/TДT)/

    Unorigional Artist October 2, 2016 9:47 pm


    Juri October 5, 2016 2:59 pm

    okay ^^

Juri August 19, 2016 6:38 pm

I don't need anymore dramatic, I need something cute that can purity my heart T__T
Seriously, is dramatic trendy lately or something? Everything I read just turned out too dramatic

Juri August 18, 2016 8:51 pm

After Kyuta run away, he tried to call him but couldn't get through his phone.
Then he started remembering how his life was before when his parents had still been around and spoiled him, so all he did back then were playing around with his friend.
When his mother passed away, he thought he with his dad would keep moving together, but sadly, he also passed away a year later.
Then he realized he had no job and that was impossible to make a living by himself, then he had no choice but gave his best to calligraphy, as his hard working has been paid off, he won a reward and started making a living by teaching calligraphy.

He lived his life alone since then, sometimes he felt lonely, yet at the same time he seems fairly content with his life as he believed relying on others was the worst thing to do.
9 years had passed since he was left alone, he met Kyuta - his cousin who often brought him food and spent time with him as the young said that " mom said Etsuro was living alone very sad, so I wanted to visit your place ... "

Being together with Kyuta cured his emptiness, he found himself attracted to Kyuta. However, there's nothing scarier than relying on others, so he didn't take the next step with Kyuta.

While being deep in thought, Kyuta's big brother called him to asked him to check on Kyuta since he had an accident. Etsuro hurried to run to the hospital and even picking the wrong foot wear. After knowing Kyuta was fine, he's very emotional and asked Kyuta even if the young hated him so much, don't ever die before he would. Kyuta smiled and anwers " baka , I won't leave alone, nor I hate you either " . Etsuro then told Kyuta's big bro not to come and they come back his old house together.

At night, Kyuta asked Etsuro why he didn't sleep, " I am too worried if something may happen to Kyuta again, I can't close my eyes " he answered. Then Kyuta invited him to check through his body to make sure he's ok and tempting him that if you didn't do that who knew I would die in my sleep. Then they do that XD

    MrsHatake August 19, 2016 4:05 pm

    Thank you ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Juri August 19, 2016 6:38 pm
    Thank you ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ MrsHatake

    welcome ヾ(☆▽☆)

    bowbow1 August 21, 2016 7:57 pm

    omg thank you so so much (=・ω・=)

    phinq August 25, 2016 8:26 am

    omg! thank you very much!!!

    Pineapple October 30, 2016 5:00 am

    Holy shit, mate. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

    naima91 November 5, 2016 3:35 am

    So very thanks you.....have you traslate for others as well ?

    Codegeass November 26, 2016 3:57 pm

    Your awesome person to translate it for us i cant read raws so thank you very much...... 100 % thumbs up to you.....(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    IOTR December 28, 2016 4:57 am

    "Then they do that" LOL. Thank you for translating!

Juri August 18, 2016 4:00 pm

So cute , it makes me want to come back my high school life. I also miss the cold winter in my hometown so much. There're many feels

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