I thought the story was... interesting. It could've been so much better if they left out the genital change. But I feel like maybe it was supposed to be a short story, and then the author thought of a backstory and dragged it out. But if the manga had started from their teenage years to the present with the messed up dynamic, it could have been a really interesting bl. Because I thought the backstory was interesting. Realizing that they had been together before was kind of a good plot twist...in a very messed up context. The execution could have been better but it had potential.
But also, i feel so bad for nanmin or whatever his name was. He deserved so much better and he was so cute

Not to say they're the same, because they're clearly not. Reina never did anything to hurt anyone, but I find it really interesting how a lot of people say fuck what the ML went through, trauma all of a sudden doesn't mean anything. But if it was the MC all of a sudden everything is because of trauma, and it doesn't have to be in this story itself, I mean there's been some messed up MC's that everyone rooted for and the excuse was trauma. I'm not saying he should be forgiven, but people become emotionally stunted after trauma. They react the same way they would at the age they experienced the trauma. Is it a valid excuse? I mean not really there's plenty of people who don't hurt others despite trauma. But also, there's plenty of people who ignore situations that could end up harming them, or that they're afraid of because of trauma too. I don't think he's the worst guy out there, he seemed to care about the MC, just probably didn't think there was anything he could do. Overall he just seemed really useless in the first timeline. Of course no one has to forgive him or whatever, but to just say, "yeah no, whatever the author tries to add to make him redeemable means nothing" seems a bit unfair. Especially knowing what kind of story you were getting into from the start. Like if someone doesn't like it that's all fine and dandy, but wasn't there like a pilot chapter? We all knew how it was gonna go down from the start.

So I'd like to quote something by someone called Elste in the spoiler thread, cause I see a lot of people commenting how the FL is dumb, and I can understand how that may be frustrating to some that it took her a long time to finally give up on her family, but it's not like she had anybody else
and she felt guilty because she didn't think the powers were rightfully hers either for a long time. The story doesn't really seem to be about revenge tbh, it's just about someone who's trying to end their misery. I don't think a lot of people are getting that.
"Before everyone starts to rant about getting revenge on her family blahblah.
- She killed them already in her 6th life, after Ricardo told her to die instead of Gabrielle. In the manhwa she mentions how easy it was, no challenge at all and in the end it didn't really help her to feel better.
- Her final purpose this life is to finally die. Nothing else. Everyone talks about getting revenge and things like that but she has already gone through so much despair in her previous life that she just wants to be dead for real this time. No more regression.
-That is the main reason why she takes the family's lead position. So she can enter to Spiritual/Sacred forest that only the families' heads can enter and find a way to finally break the regression cycle.
-And this is also the main reason why she mostly ignores her family, she knows she can overpower them anytime and she has killed them already and as I said she didn't feel better. So why bother with that?"
So it's not really that she's changed and finally getting back at them, she already did that. It just so happens that in her search to end the regression, her actions are "hurting" her family. At least this is how I view this. I don't think she's dumb, I just think she was starved for affection from the one place where she should have received it. In the end, after much betrayal she realized no matter what she did it wasn't going to happen for her.

First and foremost I'd like to say I don't dislike Min, but also I also don't like her as much as I thought I would either. I decided to read this on pocket comics and it won't be a spoiler because it's already been covered in the chapters here, but if she was afraid Yuna would start liking her why didn't she tell her she was dating someone? I understand it was something private, but at the same time Yuna was honest about why she wanted a pretend relationship. Idk but I kinda don't ship them together either. I saw someone else who also read it leave a comment saying they didn't ship em and why, and I agree with them. I wish Yuna found someone else rather than get dragged into that messed up relationship Min has with her professor.

"if she was afraid Yuna would start liking her why didn't she tell her she was dating someone?"
Because she is explicitly trying to protect the professor from being found out. If she says she's dating someone, and that gets out, that all but confirms the rumors about her and the professor. That's the entire reason that she went along with the faux relationship in the first place; to dispel the rumors about her dating the professor.

Min hasn't actually had a chance to -be- indecisive, because Yuna hasn't confessed and it's generally bad form to go around assuming other people's motives (which is Yuna's main character flaw, and the main source of conflict in the story right now)
Fact is, Yuna's been behaving pretty selfishly this whole time. She did clearly lay out why she wanted a pretend relationship, but then she started taking it seriously without talking to Min about it, which is clearly her bad. Min for her part explicitly laid out that she did -not- want to make the relationship real, (I think her specific words were something like "it would be a problem for me if you fell for me.") but Yuna just...ignored that, because it doesn't suit her desires.
Honestly, I think Min and Yuna are a pretty nice match, but Min needs to get over her shitty professor and Yuna needs to stop believing her assumptions and actually communicate. But I mean, that's what the -story- is, so....

"That person" is right fucking here, asshole.
I thought the entire point of posting your opinions online was to engage with other viewpoints, but apparently some people aren't happy unless surrounded by an echo chamber. Here's a tip. if you can't handle people disagreeing with you, *don't post public discussion threads about it.*
(Jae20, I appreciate your viewpoint and please don't take my hostility to this guy as hostility to you, even though it's in your thread.)

There wasnt even any hostility in it unless you read it in the wrong way which apparently you did. Besides. Why go call people asshole when you are the one starting to act like one?
I discussed this with OP. You came baraging here with all your opinion. I said I agree with OP. Then I talked to OP btw, not you. So what is your deal?
If you want a discussion go have it in the replies of your post.

We are -all- here to voice our opinions on the series and discuss them with whoever happens to be around. That is literally the point. Yeah, you were talking to the OP. *So was I*.
And you were being a rude little shit in your comment about me. I didn't do anything to you except disagree. If you think I'm wrong about something, make an argument, but don't make snide dismissive little side comments to someone else. It's passive aggressive bullshit.
Does anyone have the spoiler thread for this one? I can't find it.