nerdandgeek's feed

Not to hate, and I would like to discuss opinions.

To tell you the truth, I didn't notice that the art changed, maybe because i just read the new chapters and never reread. The story, however, I feel that the story has dragged on too much in certain areas but lacks in others. For example, I think it has dragged on long enough about the different soul ranks and showing how strong the ML is, but it lacks in developing the conflict about the ranks and in truly showing how strong the ML is. It has gone into the told (everyone speaks about the ranks), but the showing, in my opinion, has gone into a direction that has become a little repetitive. I was expecting him to show the school what he believed in but also for the other guys at the bank to show up again and for us to see how strong the ML is compared to those guys. As for the romance for me, it doesn't exist in this story since he is not even interested, it does seem like they will force it a bit when he suddenly wakes up and realizes he loves her, after such a long road denial.

Maybe I was expecting his point of view to change a little because those ranks are about fighting for your life in a serious situation, and sometimes what you can do in a real fight changes from an ideology to realism. In the bank, he could take care of everyone because he is strong, and his real rank is an S, not because he worked hard (otherwise, the girl could have taken care of them).