I know it may be annoying to read this long as$ paragraph, but if you are wondering what happened, I will try to be as concise as possible (Beforehand, I am sorry if some things don't make 100% sense since I am really tired).
Let's say that H entertainment is the big boss since it owns dream entertainment and dream production (like 54% of stocks) .
(So the structure is this like grandpa (H), father (entertainment) and son (production))
Production (son) wants to become emancipated from the family, and this was possible because Jay sold his stocks to chairman Kim, so now chairman Kim owns it, and Jay did it so that he could pay the inheritance tax for H.
When Production became emancipated, Production could make its own decisions but not over entertainment or H. So when everyone wanted to fire the president they couldn't because the president is from Entertainment (father) and he is still part of the family with H: since since H is the big Kahuna it has to say Yes or No for a definitive answer in Entertainment.
To make it worse for Production (emancipated son), he wanted to prove himself and wanted to make his own movie. He even rushed without reading the fine print and did everything. However, the fine print of the contract between Production and Author says that if something is changed from the book, then they get sued, and since Jay is the owner of the song, Production is fu(ked.