Why can't the guy be like 21 if you had to make him older, and the high school kid is 19 or something? The age gap is too big. Plus, the way the story develops on a weird way, it's more like, "I am giving this kid a chance because I feel bad, it's not really serious." After he told him not to answer recklessly to confessions, and to not half ass things.
The way he said he loved him too was too easy be ause we didn't even see what he loved about the kid. It's one of those stories where people think it's natural to go from friends to lovers because of the flow.

I read the manga in Spanish, and if you want to know like 5 chapters ahead, I will spill. It's long, sorry.
Turns out it's not just that one friend, Ash, should change most of his friends because the assholes went to the party mainly to reunite Ash with his ex. So the next day, Karlyke is looking to wake everyone up for breakfast and everything, and he hears Ash's asshole friends talking about the ex in HIS house. And it's was not only mentioning him, no, they had a conversation about how Ash was such a good paring with the ex, and how they where expecting Ash to be more heartbroken because they where bonded (which from what I understood, apparently it was false) and they even gave Ash's new phone number to his ex so that they would communicate. Of course, it's just that NOW that they met Karlyle (even ate at his place), they feel bad about doing that.
So Karlyle pushes Ash away, and he even feels bad about it because everyone canceled plans because of him (no, sweety it's because of your Bf asshole friends). The next day, they eat separately, and Karlyle goes to visit Ash at work when he sees the ex-boyfriend with Ash. Just when he is about to run away, Ash catches up.
And the hole situation is resolved quicker than the fucking build up, because Ash just tells the ex that they have nothing to do with each other, and that he is in love with Karlyle now. But the ex can't shut up for the life of God, and he starts saying how they are a bad pairing because Karlyle is an Alpha and "can he even satisfy him because of that? It's not like they can even bond. He is even willing to take Ash back just like he has told him numerous times before. " Ash shuts him up (like he should have his friends) and tells him that it's none of his business, Karlyle is enough, and that the ex doesn't have a say since he CHEATED on Ash and flew of to the U.S. without telling Ash. Ash is even willing (my big eye roll) to let everything go and not tell anyone he cheated in exchange for him leaving them alone. So they go back home and Ash explains the relationship and well Karlyle tells him his insecurities (well founded, especially with most of Ash's friends saying he is not good enough compared to fucking Hazel) and they made up. There are other chapters, but I don't know if you want that tea or not.

That one MF friend that you should drop or have words with. I swear it's none of his business who Ash is going out with after years of break up (even if it is a short time between break ups, you dont know if something else happened), and he doesn't need to explain anything to HIM of all people.
If he thinks that after a long break up and a new relationship, Ash should be with someone else, then that's HIS problem and not Ash's or Karlyle's. But he had to go and make it one. Worst is that people like that exist in real life.

I'm not trying to be antagonistic or anything, but I think that what people dont like is the trope. Well... I personally don't like the do over trope with someone new in the body. If it had been the original, then it would be better. Especially when you have a contrast between Daejun and the band members.
There is a nice meme in isekai reddit that said something like "the original villaines watching her sh¡t family be loving with the girl who took her body."
Like I said, they are not bad, but taste wise, I don't like that trope ... hypocritical of me since I read this, right?
People are right, no one is expected to fix anyone, but in my opinion it is hypocritical that you see the signs of suicide and then be sorry and try to fix him after he forgot about you.
I don't think it's them it's more like the way they write that. In one chapter, you find out they liked him in the past, and then the next, the author tells you that everyone saw the signs of a mind spiraling towards su¡cide.
I think if they write most of the bad things in a series of chapters and then they show how they take care of him now, with things that they knew the original liked, then it would have been better. And by things he used to like I mean, favorite cake or something, being that close in the beginning forces you to know things about someone else wether ylu want to or not.
Especially since there are indications that they knew he was selling himself to pay against his will... but then you are not sure about that, not with the way they write certain things. And I think that also plays in the hate, the do they don't they, in their knowledge of the depth of things with him selling his body almost against his will.
P.S. OMG, it's long, but I like analyzing texts and movies, videos, and stuff ... and that's not an excuse. Thanks for reading my TED talk ...

I know it may be annoying to read this long as$ paragraph, but if you are wondering what happened, I will try to be as concise as possible (Beforehand, I am sorry if some things don't make 100% sense since I am really tired).
Let's say that H entertainment is the big boss since it owns dream entertainment and dream production (like 54% of stocks) .
(So the structure is this like grandpa (H), father (entertainment) and son (production))
Production (son) wants to become emancipated from the family, and this was possible because Jay sold his stocks to chairman Kim, so now chairman Kim owns it, and Jay did it so that he could pay the inheritance tax for H.
When Production became emancipated, Production could make its own decisions but not over entertainment or H. So when everyone wanted to fire the president they couldn't because the president is from Entertainment (father) and he is still part of the family with H: since since H is the big Kahuna it has to say Yes or No for a definitive answer in Entertainment.
To make it worse for Production (emancipated son), he wanted to prove himself and wanted to make his own movie. He even rushed without reading the fine print and did everything. However, the fine print of the contract between Production and Author says that if something is changed from the book, then they get sued, and since Jay is the owner of the song, Production is fu(ked.

It's two traumatized people who have to go to therapy. I was also surprised to read it the first time, but Jay has a low tolerance for frustration and he has volatile reactions to things (beating people, and destroying their lives because they don't do what he wants) so this makes sort of sense.
It doesn't make it right, but the way he is acting out, kind of makes sense. Especially since Jay saw the suicide scene (too realistic), Taemin didnt reach the phone when he could have answered, and he also wanted to die before, so Jay did the asshole move of: if I kill myself and you feel guilty, you would live right? Because Taemin lived because of the guilt for his family (repaying his family) so now he would "repay" him.
Jay is volatile to the max, that combined with the fact that he normally acts out his feelings in impressive shows (without processing them well) led to this. At least both of their psychology is consistent.
Taemin doesn't need this shit, and he needs to process everything himself. I just want them in therapy...in my lala land because it, probably, will never happen.

All the people defending and saying that she was probably a closet bi or lesbian, their efforts went to waste, because her story didn't even include her sexuality or gender or anything really. The worst thing is that it was insinuated that she would do it because maybe she was bullied for liking a girl or because a girl liked her, and out of nowhere it came up to this.
The worst thing was that he did tell her, how the fuck was it any business of hers who he kissed, and she just said well... "It's my business because I care about you" ... how is it your business he is not even your family for tou to even think its your business.
What makes it worse is the fact that she went all high and mighty and told them to leave her alone because she was feeling bad about the fact that she knew what she did was wrong. That she needed time to think about things, like what the fuck do you have to think about? You knew when you did it it was wrong, you did it, when they confronted you, you got indignant and kicked them out because he did want to take the good thing you offered him, a d then you wanted space from them because YOU couldn't deal with things yourself.
This character is well done, to be hated of course. The thing is that they almost didn't scold her, not enough in my opinion for what she did and said afterwards. It seems they felt they where on the wrong about their relationship, and just left on a date when she kicked them out.

You dont need to be family to care about someone tho. That itself isnt wrong but what wrong is her taking her own actions without the ml knowing or consenting.
Also she said "i'd like to be alone now" doesnt meant she needed time to think but it actually meant this conversation end here i dont want to argue any further i said what i said.
ML did scold her for making the account without him knowing but i dont think ML can get mad at her for caring about him. Thats why he didnt scold her for that.

There is something here. Sometimes people use the term "care" for way too many things that are harmful. She can care, but it doesn't take away from the fact that her CARE could have hurt a relationship. There is a limit to how you can express that care, and she is 18 already old enough to know. There is a sarcastic saying in my country "don't care about it so much that you kill it".
It's like you have a partner I am your friend, you are happy but because I care about you I will spread the information that you want another partner everywhere, and tell people that you are looking for someone new, because I think that is the best course of action gor you (to find someone that I find acceptable). I am also 18 and you are 36.
Don't get me wrong she is not Evil, I have seen people like that, she hasn't killed, she hasn't kidnapped, rape, sexualy assaulted someone, or tortured anyone, so to me she isn't evil, but she is wrong, and there is nothing wrong with taking my frustration for this character into writing. Plus she is really well written in the sense that you don't like her, but it is also the authors fault for writting her that way, when there where clues pertaining to her orientation.

In the other chapter, it seems that he was the one who didn't want to hang out with Pado anymore when they where kids, he was the one who wanted to be friends with benefits first, and he only texts him for sex and occasionally the awkward show of friendship...My guy you need a courting course ASAP...you know those where you don't think it's only the other guy at fault, and you don't say things like "friends with benefits " to your crush... ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ (the awkwardness hits me)
I think it's useless to even talk about Hazel now, if I don't get it wrong, it has been YEARS so why the fuck are his friends still thinking they should get together. It's not even the fact they they talked about the ex in the current boyfriends house ( that is bad enough) but they even gave his fucking phone number away. What was the purpose other than fucking everything up and making it worse for your shitty reasons. They don't even know WHY they broke up, but here they are giving info away.
Real Spoiler
In the Spanish version, Hazel hasn't met Ash since the US fiasco, where Ash also kissed Karlyle.
By the way, I made a spoiler post, but I couldn't even post or see the replies (they disappeared). I'm so sorry if I didn't respond.