I was wondering why the one friend was saved and not invited to the party. If you read chapter 19 he was the only person who actually respected their wishes of not entering the study. And he's the only one who was not trying to stick up for the other idiots. He was the only one being respectful and doing exactly what the main characters wanted.

Well, they would have been invited if they weren't a "victim" too. That person had to suffer working all day during holidays despite being the more qualified for the scholar ship than idiot 2, who was the 2nd to die in the last murder series, btw. The sis who came along that person when uke skipped classes and went mia also wasn't invited cause same reason, tho the other was a but closer to uke (like more 1 on 1 talk about favorism, or revealing their parents shitty situation and if uke has something he wants to talk about they are open for it)
Btw, I believe that person is a girl, may not be easy to regcognize but it was implicity said, like when they were talking 1 on 1 and uke's dumb classmates saw it and were all about how girls ame boys can't just be friends

I hope he comes to accept him. Wigs and makeup and all. Because if that is truly how he feels that he can't love him when he's wearing wigs and makeup and if the other guy feels like that he may start feeling insecure that the main character will never love him for truly who he is. By the way I am not good with names.

Think of it like you like your hair long and black. But your boyfriend likes your hair short and blond. It's still you but are you really going to change just so they can feel better about themselves? In the end you're going against how you feel. You doing something that doesn't make you feel good about yourself.
Okay okay hear me out I'm probably going crazy. What if the main character is the "dead" son. Because look at their eyes and just a fluffiness of their hair they look a hell of a like.
Okay that'd be twisted af he'll probably find out that they were lovers
WAIT ur on to something I see it
omg yes, he also thinks about how it's like to have parents when he's with that couple, what if that's a hint (⊙…⊙ )??
He’s not his sister escaped an abusive household with him when he was a BABY. They grew up in a temple.
Mr. Kim and his wife raised their son and probably buried him after his death, the son also looked to be jeha’s age and knew him from childhood which mong most definitely didn’t
Yeah but he doesn't talk about his childhood too much except for just his sister. So what if she was somebody that was local and he got her confused because she's the only one that he can really remember so he just naturally remembers her as his sister. I know it's a long shot but I'm kind of hoping LOL and I know it sounds crazy but it would be so cool. And it would explain why Jeha was so attached from the very beginning. Yeah because in the main characters end it could just be Memory wipe you know like when people get in an accident and they only remember fragments of their memory so they piece it together to make a whole memory and sometimes that whole memory is false.
I’m hundred percent sure mr and Mrs Kim would recognize their son and there’s no way he was at two places at once. We say a bit of mongs teenage years and he went to highschool like any other person. We also see pictures of the son in his own school uniform. Definitely not the same person bff