Hey guys, squint a little at what I'm about to ask but is there any story with 3some with TWO bottom (or two subs for women I guess) and one top/dom? Any genre is fine, I read pretty much everything

This manga is the only one I know that has a generally good polyamorous relationship.
There is a top, vers, and bottom

Hey guys, weird request but is there any stories with virginity kink. I know I know, squint and look away for a few seconds. let's focus on recommending titles now. Basically stories where one partys is insanely obsessed with the fact that the other party member is a vigin. Any genre is fine

No need to feel so shameful, this IS a mangago forum
https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/iyagatteru_kimi_ga_suki/ <- this ones weird on top of weird but he takes her virginity in more ways than one so I guess
https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/290504/ <- my favorite list of virgins
hope this helps ヾ(☆▽☆)

Hey guys. This is super duper specific but I'm asking anyway. Any manga where the top and/or ml have that crazy sex look? Not the o-face you see wo/men makes on hentai porn but that weird obsessed perverted look tops/ml would make. Like wide grin, those spinny eyes, lots and lots of blush on the face. That stalkerish look. This dont make sense, the bottom line is those yandere faces ig. Any genre is fine

The male lead of this one kinda has that face especially during smut scenes

Hey guys, cringe sentence but any recs for mean to everyone but bae? cruel villian/boss/dictator/person for power but soft spot for their partner. The "me when a bad bitch told me to do anything" typa man. Any genre is fine

like a soft spot for only their partner? if thats what u mean heres a list:
https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/failed_to_abandon_the_villain/ (cold to and hates everyone but mc, listens to her every word)
https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/kanata_kara/ (not mean but indifferent to everyone and only kind to fl)
https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/i_failed_to_divorce_my_husband/ (hates touching anyone but fl is the execption)
https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/i_may_be_a_mob_but_because_my_favorite_is_here_everyday_is_fun/ (scary towards everyone but soft spot for mc, super cute!!)
https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/beast_with_flowers/ (cold/hates everyone but fl)
i hope these are vaguely what u were asking for ><

This is extreamly specific and I dont know if I'll get answers but is there any romace story where the mc, who is highly dependent to their partne, became independent? Or vise versa. For example, their whole financial issues are carried by their partner, but midway they get a job or smt and jst b doing shit. Genre don't rlly matter I read everything

I don't know how common this trope is but can you guys recommend mangas/hwas where the main love interest have the meanest most bitchy face but is actually the shyest kindest fucking angel you've ever seen

Aww, damn there's a lot actually, but unfortunately I can't remember the titles at all except these for now

If you mean mc that has a scary face but is actually super cute and sweet, then here are some recs Both sl and bl~ More sl though hope thats ok!

Extremely specific request, but is there any manga/hwas where the protagonist has family issues like the plot is centered around the mc’s family, preferably brother issues. Like their brother just utterly hated them. Mommy/daddy issues is also alright. Any genre is fine but preferably romance, straight or not, it doesn’t matter

It's been a long time so I kinda forgotten, but the first couple, the uke have a brother that hate him. The second couple is about the brother. (That or the brother is from another spinoff I forgot lmao), but tbh I don't think the brother problem really a big issue in the story, at least what I remember.
Reqs for gap moe/two faced characters but the good ones; for example, they're acting popular but actually really nerdy, acting masc but actually adores cute stuff, and similar tropes. I was actually looking for a very specific manga with the first example (still havent found it, I'm 8/10 sure it was a bl, but theres so much I cant find the specific one I wanted. Its leaning more toward dressing popular/fashion focused but theyre actually really nerdy), but I do want to read more stories that are similar.