Reqs for gap moe/two faced characters but the good ones; for example, they're acting popular but actually really nerdy, acting masc but actually adores cute stuff, and similar tropes. I was actually looking for a very specific manga with the first example (still havent found it, I'm 8/10 sure it was a bl, but theres so much I cant find the specific one I wanted. Its leaning more toward dressing popular/fashion focused but theyre actually really nerdy), but I do want to read more stories that are similar.
Hey guys, squint a little at what I'm about to ask but is there any story with 3some with TWO bottom (or two subs for women I guess) and one top/dom? Any genre is fine, I read pretty much everything
This manga is the only one I know that has a generally good polyamorous relationship.
There is a top, vers, and bottom
That ending so shit it made this valentine slightly better