Aoi the one with a fcking glasses
Seriously where the fck is his brain?
He's noob yandere
He's a freaking students council president and he stabbed a dude for what? A girl? He didn't think of his position in school and life
If I was him (im a pro yandere )I make a move silently and make them break up
Then I'll go for the girl and comfort her then make her mine, so I had the girl and I still had my reputation
But this dude lololol you noob

Well for some reason I find this disgusting and interesting LOL
I mean ohega-chan is kinda cute
And kiji.... Is being kiji this dude is too emotionless.
When you find something weird in the park... What kind of reaction is this like "wow this look cool but disgusting, imma take it home" while the normal reaction should be scream or scared like other people
And when he's falling in the rooftop he was like "crap... I guess I'm going to die lol"
HAHAHAHAHA he may be an asshole but he kinda change tho? Teaching ohega-chan to write, taking care of her, buying her food she wants.
Well it's kinda sad it end at volume 3
I want more
if he's still being an asshole till the end
I'll drop this.
True, bro. Absolutely true.