jistar slave #3
why was i holding my breath Theyre too sexc…………..
stop i did the same thing, it felt i was i was there too LMAOOOO
euntak is so ahhhhhhg i wanna bite him AND THE PHONE SEX !!!!!
the lighting in these panels is so yummy i love how dramatic it is the emotions it draws out auyghhahahahha ╥﹏╥
smiling so hard rn … what the fuck. what about my mental health.
AHHHHHHHHHHH my heart my poor heart
so very off topic but i need to see yikyung drawing more
very on topic actually bc why aren't we seeing any sketching in the story
the death flags
oh god OHHHH my god. oh my gosh the emotionsssss i love them
LMFAOOOOOO who cut his hair…
jistar slave #3