underpants_man created a topic of Fudanshi Kazoku

queerplatonic relationship rep…small wins for the unholy year of 2025

og hero, argio, and mc ot3 for the win. hero and argio manage to be down bad in a respectful way and mc is soft for them anyways so i hope all three of them can escape the plot and live happily :>>

underpants_man like question

Anyone know if Idol-kun ni Dakaretai has been uploaded anywhere? Ty

argio x mc x former mc lets go. yoel and ben can rot though. yoel bc he’s a baby and ben bc he’s a piece of shit. tbh I don’t think any level of trauma makes up for the abuse ben’s inflicted on the mc up to this point. man needs therapy and self reflection and then he needs to grovel at mc’s feet and still get familyzoned.

wish i could fujo out with sakura. we have the same taste frfr

underpants_man followed a list
22 09,2024

why didn’t the author make him suffer too, he’s also a rapist pos that deserves at the very least for his balls to be torn off and shoved down his throat

underpants_man created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

while it is possible for them to turn out that way it feels wrong that two out of three of them are pasty white. like damn theo’s ink cartridge ran out and only got replaced midway through the twins

I find it extremely hard to believe such anatomical similarities could exist between humans and these different races but I’m trying my best to let it go. But if we’re being fr why tf would dwarves evolve to have the same vestigial organs?? How does the sun work in this universe (is it specifically rays of a specific spectrum from the sun triggering the rash, if girlie is fine within the light of the room??)? How can nutritional information of the crop be assumed based on its appearance? Just because it superficially looks like corn doesn’t mean its actually the same in a fantasy universe???

This manga is really interesting, and I especially enjoy how the magicians try to “treat” without knowledge of human physiology, but I feel like the author idolizes doctors without understanding the centuries of accumulated scientific knowledge and experimentation that got us the understanding of humans we do now. And it takes truly so long to get this knowledge!!

Generalizations cannot be easily made even across groups of humans (between genders, ages, etc.) so its pretty weird medical practice being shown here. Like besides basic health practices and knowledge of germs, there’s also heritable genetic diseases etc. Wait, do genes even exist here?? Nevertheless medical histories is interesting thing to think about in a world where some diseased can be cured with no trace (at least, from our current understanding of healing magic). Would love to see the author / Amami talk about more aspects of medicine and healthcare in the future.