argio x mc x former mc lets go. yoel and ben can rot though. yoel bc he’s a baby and ben bc he’s a piece of shit. tbh I don’t think any level of trauma makes up for the abuse ben’s inflicted on the mc up to this point. man needs therapy and self reflection and then he needs to grovel at mc’s feet and still get familyzoned.

I find it extremely hard to believe such anatomical similarities could exist between humans and these different races but I’m trying my best to let it go. But if we’re being fr why tf would dwarves evolve to have the same vestigial organs?? How does the sun work in this universe (is it specifically rays of a specific spectrum from the sun triggering the rash, if girlie is fine within the light of the room??)? How can nutritional information of the crop be assumed based on its appearance? Just because it superficially looks like corn doesn’t mean its actually the same in a fantasy universe???
This manga is really interesting, and I especially enjoy how the magicians try to “treat” without knowledge of human physiology, but I feel like the author idolizes doctors without understanding the centuries of accumulated scientific knowledge and experimentation that got us the understanding of humans we do now. And it takes truly so long to get this knowledge!!
Generalizations cannot be easily made even across groups of humans (between genders, ages, etc.) so its pretty weird medical practice being shown here. Like besides basic health practices and knowledge of germs, there’s also heritable genetic diseases etc. Wait, do genes even exist here?? Nevertheless medical histories is interesting thing to think about in a world where some diseased can be cured with no trace (at least, from our current understanding of healing magic). Would love to see the author / Amami talk about more aspects of medicine and healthcare in the future.

furthermore the assumption that people will react to chemical compounds all the same way!! humans irl have allergies to this shit and guy is injecting different SPECIES w his shit left and right????
+ why of all things is the opium equivalent in this world smth u can portion out based on vibes??? like first we see a scene of haggard drug addicts and then next we see the succubis just do portion control anesthesia on the kid?? how is that shit standardized?? lemme guess its not??
+ like im sorry god one human and medicine not gonna fix shit here u need to import several laboratories worth of compounds and several hospitals worth of gear and staff
+ the emphasis of “western medicine” here saving the people that were oh so helpless before is wild bc even if humans had a monopoly on healing magic, find it hard to believe people would not have folk remedies using resources like the world tree thing. smth in canon for ex could be dragons cauterizing wounds (though mb they just never have open wounds on outside bc of scales and healing??) even otzi the fuckinf iceman lived through breaking bones and he was prehistoric or some shit u cant tell me these highly advanced fantasy races cant heal their basic shit they should NOT be impressed by stitches they should be stitching!!!

I agree! Your points got me thinking about this story haha.
I also found it hard to believe that the people were shocked at the concept of washing hands when the mc had his public lecture. I’m sure these races had years to develop and know the concepts of cleanliness and how it can prevent sicknesses and contamination.

YES EXACTLY. havent kept up with this manga but I just feel like its lowkey a reskinned white savior fantasy. where you get to civilize or enlighten a less advanced society. think it was also challenging to get through it because there is no one framed as the doctor’s equal, everyone who is “good” ends up treating him with this weird adoration
queerplatonic relationship rep…small wins for the unholy year of 2025