dans character is so inconsistent man all he wanted was money at the start and that other gym offered him so much and he's like No. brother what???? his only motivation was helping his grandma and now he's like ehhh nvm

Dan’s clearly had a hard life poor kid couldn’t even remember the last time he had a home cooked meal before he stayed at Jaekhyung’s. There’s two reasons why he wouldn’t betray Jaekyung one being he likes him and second because Jaekyung’s given him a life he never thought he could have albeit still not great in our eyes. But he can sleep, eat, work and his grandma’s bills are being paid. Dan’s not the type try and pull anything but he’s also not stupid when he needed to go see his grandma he shouted at Jaekyung in the middle of doing it and he didn’t fall for the coach. That coach was so suspicious bringing up grandma and I’m glad Dan didn’t fall for it. His grandma is still his motivation, don’t forget the bills are still being paid.
damn. this sucked lmao.