WHY. IS. HE DOING. THAT. The fact that he has to break up a relationship to get into one??? and its so obvious that hes just fucking with younger guys because he can. and constantly justifying his actions by saying “Oh if they really loved each other they can work this out” like are you fucking crazy??? By creating misunderstandings and situations where eunchae cant leave??? ARE YOU INSANE??? i stg if my ship doesnt pull through i might genuinely throw hands

so blondie was the crying one
and he came to grey hair and black hairs home being like spikey hair wont fuck meeee. then black hair got assertive and was like hmmm lets make him jelly. grey hair j watched and was like let me joinnn but black hir was like n o. then, spikey black hair came into the dorm being like ooo i heard yall fucking so whats poppin. and then grey haired tied him up and made him watch the fuck train. blondie was recieving, black hair was “giving” and receiving, and grey hair was giving. then spikey black hair got super pissed and blondie came bc he was so happy that his bf was jelous. then black hair was like lol bro it was a dildo chill. then, grey hair proceeds to fuck black hair and spikey black hair fucks blondie. it got intense. then, black hair was like “shit, blondie u look so hot.” and almost kissed blondie but the tops were like r yall rly gonna kiss infront of your boyfriends?
I’m really so confused on where black haired dude is standing. He is making brown hair feel like shit but still enjoys his company??? Maybe he doesn’t know how to express himself properly but that doesnt mean brown hair should pay for it. Honestly, its getting tiring to have to see brown hair go through all of this. i j want him to be happy >:(