I’m sorry but that was so annoying. So she basically jumped to conclusions and then tried to kill herself even though she told her loved that she was a murderer and for the most part he didnt mind??? Does she expect him to just think that her killing so many people, even if unintentional, is ok??? Like he is gonna be feeling some type of way. Like girl get tf outta here

This is just my opinion, but from what ive been seeing i think because shes been having a hard time trusting people it was hard for her to trust Caiden after how hes been acting. Honestly i think she probably didnt know that she would end up where the monsters are thats why she went there bcs honestly if the person i love doubts me like how caidens doubts her then id probably run away too w/o knowing where im going yk. But this is just my opinion.

Yeah that didn’t set right with me too. I just dislike people who go harming themselves cause one party doesn’t like you or feel the same way. Just my own bias based on personal experiences with some partners my friends dated. I do think her feeling hurt was valid, I just don’t respect the way she dealt with it. Anyway apparently she didn’t know monsters would be there so I won’t harp on her too much. Dumb move, but at least it wasn’t intentional I guess.

When he said wELl iSNt iT yOuR fAuLt FoR nOt ReMEmBeriNg. I have never wanted to punch someone as much as i have now. That is so gross. And then he’s like wELL i tOLd yOu nOt tO LiKe Me BUT WHAT EVEN WERE THEY????? Im so confused on where he stands rn. But man, when uke gives bacn the money. That was awesome. It felt so nice to get rid of that asshole of a seme. Seriously.
its the normalization of rape for me. Seme raped uke, like it was so disturbing. And like 10 chapters later the uke is like “i know i should hate him, but i really like him” like huh???? im sorry what??? What about him is there to like??? that he’s hot??? uke you deserve better my dude.