gosh why always complicating things? x.x grown up? are you kidding me that kid is more mature than both of them epecially Hani. she's so stupid. why being silent about such serious matter and kid is suffering now and if Sun Joon new on time who knows how it would ed up in China if he would even go. really just be honest and life will be simpliier x.x I can't stand such stupid story going and manhwa are full over this pointless dramatization.
gosh WHY always such good manga about 1st night after drinking reunion parties with salaryman end only on 1 ONE ONEEE translated chapter??? >_< uhh and I said to myself I won't bother with 'ongoing' manga after Saezuru is braking my brain for 5 years..
Waitng for update on this promissing cake <3 I hope it can be translated whole :3
ok, I was up for blond bishie at start, but after doing that to his buttler.. (I hoped for some BL shipping of 2 of them).. but gosh NO! he IS SICK IGNORANT SPOILED RICH SHIT OF A BRAT! gosh wanna smack him and torture him hard T.T even his good look can't save him! he reminds me of Light and that pisses me even more T....T/
you mean yagami light
feels FEELS... rereading 22th chapter for the 10th time.... I think I'll manage to count till 100th reread until September's 23th chapter... (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 dat body dose feelings whhh
Did you just say SEPTEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!! ((((;゚Д゚)))))))
I don't wanna wait that long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!