Ryma May 16, 2021 11:19 am

Spoil me pls!!!!!
I am panicking here

    Adra May 16, 2021 2:13 pm


    Ryma May 16, 2021 2:59 pm

    What NoOoOo we want love and affection, affection alone is not enough

Ryma May 16, 2021 9:24 pm

It better not be hun or

Ryma May 13, 2021 11:48 am

Can yall speak with each other and decide who get to translate and upload them chapters you can devise them chapter between yall so yall can still continue uploading regularly we appreciate every one effort thank you

    Asiandimsum May 13, 2021 4:09 pm

    Agreed I’m so confused and I might even drop it now

Ryma May 12, 2021 8:08 am

Should I read this?! I am seeing a lot of negative comments so pls tell me if it worth it

    lahna May 12, 2021 11:03 am

    i think you should read up to the latest chapters and decide if you want to keep reading or not. this recent chapter has made me have mixed feelings

Ryma May 10, 2021 3:50 pm

A chapter without gallahan in it is really lacking. his energy is needed at full time

Ryma May 3, 2021 3:33 am

So you read the poster where you were VICTIMIZED and where soo dam WAS ACCUSED OF BEING A PERVERT AND DOING ALL OF THAT TO YOU " WITHOUT CONSENT" which is false. And you didn't even try to deny it.

And soo dam tried to call you to see how you are doing, your feelings, making sure you are OK. AND YOU IGNORED HER. I am sorry but that post was degrading soo dam not you.

THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE OTHER WAY AROUND you should have called Her to see if she is doing all right after being called a pervert BUT NO.

BOY even her first thought after running back home was to check on you AND she CALLED YOU IMMEDIATELY , she didn't even think of her self and the consequences of that post and her shattered reputation and that only shows that SHE LOVES YOU AND SHE IS TOO SELFLESS AND UNDERSTANDING OF OTHERS FEELING (I Low-key love her and want to be her friend)

I am sorry but SELFISH IS NOT Strong ENOUGH TO DESCRIBE YOU. Get over yourself no one is talking about you I bet no one cares just like you don't care about soo dam's feelings. The world is not all about you. you are DRAMATIC (especially when you run from the friend that tried to stop you from reading the poster for your OWN GOOD) I CAN'T-- I JUST CAN'T--

I said it before and I will say it again soo dam baby you deserve better, get over him it will do both of you good

Having trauma doesn't excuse shitty behavior, you need to grow up I am sorry but if I met you in real life I would get the hell away from you, you are the most selfish, self-centered, dramatic, toxic person I have ever seen

    JaneSarang May 6, 2021 11:57 am


    Sephielya May 6, 2021 1:29 pm

    ALL OF THIS. Yes.

    Xavier May 6, 2021 11:09 pm

    Soo dam deserves better

    Neko May 7, 2021 12:53 am

    He's an ass honestly u said what i wanted to say, he doesn't deserve her at all, i hate him he only think of himself and he didn't even give a thought about her, he never loved her, if he had that trauma then he shouldn't have done since the beginning, he is the only toxic thing in that relationship

    Ryma May 7, 2021 11:18 am

    So all we need to do now is go and find a new male lead preferably a cute and non toxic one to simp I am recruiting yall

    Neko May 7, 2021 3:26 pm
    So all we need to do now is go and find a new male lead preferably a cute and non toxic one to simp I am recruiting yall Ryma

    Exactly ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Ryma April 16, 2021 2:57 pm

The second couple tho!!! Fire

Ryma April 11, 2021 7:20 am

That sad puppy face really makes us weak in the knees ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Ryma April 10, 2021 4:50 pm

Where can I order someone as hot and gentle and understanding as gallahan to simp?

Ryma March 18, 2021 9:59 pm

At this point he is in the wrong

_first he opened her laptop without her consent or her being with him(I am sorry but that is disrespectful and if someone did that to me I would consider them untrustworthy )

_second from that simple blog he assumed "that part of her" dude it could be for fun or for some research or whatever (she is a human too, she does things in her free time, what did you think? Once she get home she start counting the number on ants that colonized her room floor? NO)

_thirdly he left without saying a word leaving the door open? After being invited and he accepted the invitation (RUDE)

_fourthly if you face a problem in your relationship you communicate it with your partner not run AWAY yall are not children anymore (I get that you got traumatized but at some point you need to get past your trauma to grow up)

Sorry but she doesn't deserve all that stress, self esteem damage, sadness, anxiety she is going through she deserves better

    Yeezy101 April 9, 2021 10:49 am

    I want to favourite this comment.

    Ryma April 9, 2021 11:23 am
    I want to favourite this comment. Yeezy101

    Aww!! you're so sweet

    TsukishimaHateClub April 9, 2021 4:43 pm

    He wasnt even trying to find anything- If you never had trauma you just cant tell someone to GET OVER IT. Thats not how it works at all

    TsukishimaHateClub April 9, 2021 4:45 pm

    Thats the exact way the other dude did it, he hid it off until he found out. He doesn't know who to trust literally everybody judged him at the time-

    Ryma April 10, 2021 6:17 am
    He wasnt even trying to find anything- If you never had trauma you just cant tell someone to GET OVER IT. Thats not how it works at all TsukishimaHateClub

    Whether he was trying to find anything or not is not the problem, no matter how traumatized you are you can't touch someone else's belongings without their approval. I am sorry but that behavior can't be excused.

    Ryma April 10, 2021 6:22 am
    Thats the exact way the other dude did it, he hid it off until he found out. He doesn't know who to trust literally everybody judged him at the time- TsukishimaHateClub

    It is not the same situation,The other dude took advantage of his weakness, and manipulated him, she isn't, she is giving time, space.

    Jokl April 19, 2021 8:52 am
    It is not the same situation,The other dude took advantage of his weakness, and manipulated him, she isn't, she is giving time, space. Ryma

    Sorry to tell you this but a trauma is a lot more serious than "I'm scared of dark", I don't know if you have ever experienced something like this but from my view it seems that you haven't. A person with a trauma can't trust others so easy, it's anxious and scared with other people, she have triggered his trauma before and now again, he could not think straight. I also think that it was not right for him to open the blog but think a little about the emotions that someone has, it's not that easy to handle a trauma, and I say it from my experience.

    Sephielya April 19, 2021 2:40 pm
    Sorry to tell you this but a trauma is a lot more serious than "I'm scared of dark", I don't know if you have ever experienced something like this but from my view it seems that you haven't. A person with a tra... Jokl

    You don't get to treat people badly just because you have trauma. Especially genuine people who you know care about you, you don't get to punish them by ignoring and avoiding them for dumbass reasons like "they had a blog" without even reading ANY posts. Because then he did read the blog and BAM magically he's a decent person to her again? No. Traumatized people can be abusive too, and his constant ignoring, neglect, and avoiding So-Dam to punish her and then come crawling back is boarding abusive. Yes he's getting triggered but he's also traumatizing HER.

    Ryma April 19, 2021 3:30 pm
    Sorry to tell you this but a trauma is a lot more serious than "I'm scared of dark", I don't know if you have ever experienced something like this but from my view it seems that you haven't. A person with a tra... Jokl

    I was traumatized before (by an adult when I was a minor) and no one cared and got blamed, and I know for sure how to treat people, it is true you will get more conscious of other people behavior but you shouldn't exaggerate (like he is doing). And if you take people's feeling for granted, you will lose them no matter how much they like you. People have feelings too and you being traumatized doesn't give you the right to treat them badly, to evade their privacy.....and more.

    Ryma April 19, 2021 3:35 pm
    You don't get to treat people badly just because you have trauma. Especially genuine people who you know care about you, you don't get to punish them by ignoring and avoiding them for dumbass reasons like "they... Sephielya

    And that is true you will cause other people trauma if you treat them like he is doing (not be given the chance to explain themselves, being ignored randomly, being treated badly based on the other person's feeling, leaving them guessing what they did wrong .. ) I am sorry but that sounds extremely toxic to me

    TsukishimaHateClub April 19, 2021 3:39 pm
    And that is true you will cause other people trauma if you treat them like he is doing (not be given the chance to explain themselves, being ignored randomly, being treated badly based on the other person's fee... Ryma

    So this is his fault? Are you telling him to throw his trauma aside ans act like it never happened? You cant tell someone how to act or how to be, yes you had trauma and your acting different than him. That'S YOU. You forget the character isn't a representation of you, its a representation of how people handle trauma, all DIFFERENTLY.

    Sephielya April 19, 2021 3:40 pm
    And that is true you will cause other people trauma if you treat them like he is doing (not be given the chance to explain themselves, being ignored randomly, being treated badly based on the other person's fee... Ryma

    Exactly, the sub here is traumatized AND somewhat toxic. You can be both. Calling out someone for being toxic doesn't mean you hate them either, I love the character, and I see his faults. So-Dam is impulsive and doesn't always think things through but she has very consistently been kind and considerate towards Minwoo. He doesn't take any of that into consideration and just leaves and pops back into her life whenever he feels like it despite being the one to tell HER: "I belong to you and you belong to me" fuck off toxic sub stick with her and communicate or let her move on!

    TsukishimaHateClub April 19, 2021 3:40 pm
    It is not the same situation,The other dude took advantage of his weakness, and manipulated him, she isn't, she is giving time, space. Ryma

    He knows it isnt the same situation, but it can surely build up to be the exact same one.

    TsukishimaHateClub April 19, 2021 3:42 pm
    Whether he was trying to find anything or not is not the problem, no matter how traumatized you are you can't touch someone else's belongings without their approval. I am sorry but that behavior can't be excuse... Ryma

    The other dude had a blog too, do you expect for him to read her blog like its a chapter book? No, he didn't because yall would say the exact same thing. "He iNvAdEd hEr pRivAcY". Would you rather him not read anything or read the whole page?

    Sephielya April 19, 2021 3:44 pm
    So this is his fault? Are you telling him to throw his trauma aside ans act like it never happened? You cant tell someone how to act or how to be, yes you had trauma and your acting different than him. That'S Y... TsukishimaHateClub

    He doesn't get to be abusive because of his trauma. Period. This is coming from someone who's been taken advantage of in the worst ways that make me relate to him. It doesn't mean that if I have an episode I get to ignore, neglect, and blame the person who triggered me without ever communicating my trauma to them, nor giving them a chance to explain. They're both bad and new at this, but she's the only one trying.

    Sephielya April 19, 2021 3:47 pm
    The other dude had a blog too, do you expect for him to read her blog like its a chapter book? No, he didn't because yall would say the exact same thing. "He iNvAdEd hEr pRivAcY". Would you rather him not read ... TsukishimaHateClub

    We expect him not to snoop on another person's computer period. Oh and second, to confront her and get answers. Not run away, neglect and ignore her, and then come back after she's tortured herself. I genuinely hope you get some help for your apparent trauma friend, because it sounds like you're ready to blame the whole world instead of expecting someone to take even an ounce of personal accountability for their actions.

    Ryma April 19, 2021 3:52 pm
    He knows it isnt the same situation, but it can surely build up to be the exact same one. TsukishimaHateClub

    It can't we are talking about two different people with two different personalities. She is clearly trying to be a good Dom and he can see that he just doesn't want to trust her and that is not her problem but it is his. you can't make a person trust you if they don't there is nothing you can do about it . The other dude wasn't doing what she is, he was showing signs of abuse early on

    Ryma April 19, 2021 3:55 pm
    The other dude had a blog too, do you expect for him to read her blog like its a chapter book? No, he didn't because yall would say the exact same thing. "He iNvAdEd hEr pRivAcY". Would you rather him not read ... TsukishimaHateClub

    Dude the moment he touched her laptop that was invasion of privacy. So at least read everything and don't cause yourself a misunderstanding, drama, sadness...

    Ryma April 19, 2021 3:58 pm
    He doesn't get to be abusive because of his trauma. Period. This is coming from someone who's been taken advantage of in the worst ways that make me relate to him. It doesn't mean that if I have an episode I ge... Sephielya

    At least she is trying to make things better, the only thing he cares about is himself his needs his feeling and basta

    Sephielya April 19, 2021 4:05 pm
    At least she is trying to make things better, the only thing he cares about is himself his needs his feeling and basta Ryma

    Exactly. He literally hasn't tried even to be a good sub. He only initiated once and it was because he was jealous. And turned out he didn't need to be since it was just to sell surfing classes! He's a whole mess and I can like him as a character, but he's toxic to So-Dam and at this rate will make her too anxious to ever top anyone again.

    Jokl April 19, 2021 6:32 pm
    I was traumatized before (by an adult when I was a minor) and no one cared and got blamed, and I know for sure how to treat people, it is true you will get more conscious of other people behavior but you should... Ryma

    This is why I said that he is not right. I don't think that is right treating people like this but for me personally because my boyfriend has experienced abuse by his relationship some years ago I can understand and accept something like this. I have also be under a trauma it was not a serious as this so I don't excuse myself. But I think that when it comes to a trauma that was caused by abuse the behaviour of the person should be easier acceptable. My boyfriend after getting abused by his old relationship (something similar to this manga, not as bad tho) was terrified by some things. Some times when I was even trying to get something that it was close to him the first months would be terrified, from just running away to start screaming and crying about it. It was very bad for me too, but I could accept it, I could understand that he had a trauma on some things (like fast movement, loud voice, really small rooms/places etc.) so I tried my best to stop thinking about his behaviour that was caused by a trauma and tried to help him with that. I know that the girl in this manga really loves him and we can see it through to how much she cares about him and that it can be very painful to see your partner like this but please, understand that the person that has the trauma is not that easy to get over it. Especially a trauma caused by abuse, I think that this is one of the worst traumas that someone can have and I always feel sad when I hear that someone went through this. Not because "they got abused" but because I know how they may feel, what thoughts they may have and how bad and painful it's to get over this. I won't keep doing this conversation, you do you. Anyone has their own opinions. I shared mine and my story, I don't think that I have anymore to say. Sorry for my long ass comment again I just hate talking and judging someone that is in such a situation. It kinda hurts.

    Jokl April 19, 2021 6:37 pm
    You don't get to treat people badly just because you have trauma. Especially genuine people who you know care about you, you don't get to punish them by ignoring and avoiding them for dumbass reasons like "they... Sephielya

    Also one more thing I wrote my answer on another comment (the long one) but if you see carefully he is not avoiding her for punishing her, also he is not doing this for a "stupid blog" but his trauma got triggered because this blog was the same that his old partner was uploading all his abusive pics.

    TsukishimaHateClub April 19, 2021 7:42 pm

    If yall are so upset because he is somehow "toxic", stop reading. He has a hard time opening up, would you blame him? Like i already said on another post, he isn't a representation of how YOU handle trauma, itd a different representation. Im not blaming anyone, itd neither of their faults, aren't yall the ones calling him toxic?

    Sephielya April 19, 2021 9:00 pm
    Also one more thing I wrote my answer on another comment (the long one) but if you see carefully he is not avoiding her for punishing her, also he is not doing this for a "stupid blog" but his trauma got trigge... Jokl

    You misunderstood the story. The blog was NOT the same whatsoever. It was just A blog. So yes he was avoiding her intentionally because he was triggered. It was still his responsibility to confront her once he had calmed down, explain why he was triggered, and apologize for being so shitty of a person that he told Daisy So-Dam made his trauma worse by having a blog she had before they even met.

    Sephielya April 19, 2021 9:02 pm
    If yall are so upset because he is somehow "toxic", stop reading. He has a hard time opening up, would you blame him? Like i already said on another post, he isn't a representation of how YOU handle trauma, itd... TsukishimaHateClub

    I mean wow it's almost like we have the ability to call fictional characters out when they act shitty and still enjoy the drama *gasp* shocking I know.

    Jokl April 19, 2021 9:26 pm
    You misunderstood the story. The blog was NOT the same whatsoever. It was just A blog. So yes he was avoiding her intentionally because he was triggered. It was still his responsibility to confront her once he ... Sephielya

    Whatever, I thought it was the same blog, sorry if it's not the same but I explained my thoughts on the other comment, I won't repeat it again, there is no reason for this conversation, now it's not what if fact but our opinions and your opinion if I'm right(don't know what experience you have with this kind of thing) is that his trauma does not excuse the thing that his shitty when my opinion by experience by being in a relationship with a partner that has a trauma by an abusive relationship is that I think that every kind of behaviour after his trauma getting triggered should be forgotten. The trigger is not something that happens once like a panic attack and then it goes away, is something that can last a lot of hours and days, so no, I think that he stills under the trauma trigger without being able to think right. As I said before I don't continue this conversation, it's all up to you guys

    Jokl April 19, 2021 9:29 pm
    You misunderstood the story. The blog was NOT the same whatsoever. It was just A blog. So yes he was avoiding her intentionally because he was triggered. It was still his responsibility to confront her once he ... Sephielya

    Also sorry for all these typos, it's really late and I'm kinda drunk, not in a position to write like a human, as I read my comment it's more like a dog tapping on the screen, but whatever, hope you understood what I mean

    Sephielya April 19, 2021 10:08 pm
    Also sorry for all these typos, it's really late and I'm kinda drunk, not in a position to write like a human, as I read my comment it's more like a dog tapping on the screen, but whatever, hope you understood ... Jokl

    I do understand you, yeah. I know what a trigger and trauma are personally, but hearing the explanation, reading her blog and deciding to be with her again as if nothing happened, he's no longer triggered and having a trauma response. To be fair he could still apologize and I hope he does I'd love to see them communicate. (She's apologized every time she does wrong, doesn't take away the wrong, but it validates and acknowledges the other person's pain). Here I am hoping fictional characters can be healthy though lol Have a good night friend!

    Ryma April 20, 2021 4:38 am
    This is why I said that he is not right. I don't think that is right treating people like this but for me personally because my boyfriend has experienced abuse by his relationship some years ago I can understan... Jokl

    We are not judging, we get that he was traumatized and we don't excuse any of the dom's action she did wrong too she shouldn't have listened to Stanger's advice on the internet, she shouldn't even have asked. every situation is different. And she should have discussed what she was about to do with the sub beforehand. but what we are saying is the scene where he run away after looking at the blog was over dramatic, and really not necessarily of him.
    I feel like having a traumatized partner is hard enough, keeping up with him and always being conscious not to trigger him, to be understanding, supporting.... . is hard work. And I respect you for doing that with your partner because not a lot of people can deal with that and personally I don't think I can so I think your partner is lucky enough to have you and that is the same for the sub and he should cherish you and treat you nicely.
    That all we wanted to say.

    This conversation was entertaining hope yall stay safe

    Jokl April 20, 2021 6:59 am
    I do understand you, yeah. I know what a trigger and trauma are personally, but hearing the explanation, reading her blog and deciding to be with her again as if nothing happened, he's no longer triggered and h... Sephielya

    Yeah, tbh I think that he should apologise, I still think that he is wrong so we just hope that they will end together very very happy (I can't believe that I had a whole conversation about fictional characters but WHY NOT

    Jokl April 20, 2021 7:03 am
    We are not judging, we get that he was traumatized and we don't excuse any of the dom's action she did wrong too she shouldn't have listened to Stanger's advice on the internet, she shouldn't even have asked. e... Ryma

    Thank you very much, actually hearing this made me so happy, you made my day (especially when I hear the most negative thoughts when I talk about it on the internet) hope you also have a very nice day/night

    Ryma April 20, 2021 9:42 am
    Thank you very much, actually hearing this made me so happy, you made my day (especially when I hear the most negative thoughts when I talk about it on the internet) hope you also have a very nice day/night Jokl

    Yall this energy is all we want happiness, love , drama free, supporting each other...

    Making you feel happy was worth it (you made my day too)
    Have a nice day

    TsukishimaHateClub April 20, 2021 6:17 pm

    Marriage anyone

    Aries April 30, 2021 4:24 am

    Are you and idiot b*tch !????? Huuhhh

    You know nothing

    Just shut it

    Sephielya April 30, 2021 5:59 am
    Are you and idiot b*tch !????? HuuhhhYou know nothingJust shut it Aries

    You must be both an idiot AND a bitch, because this conversation ended peacefully 10 days ago. Just shut it. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Jokl May 2, 2021 9:31 pm
    Are you and idiot b*tch !????? HuuhhhYou know nothingJust shut it Aries

    What the heck is wrong with you?

    Ryma May 3, 2021 2:08 am
    Are you and idiot b*tch !????? HuuhhhYou know nothingJust shut it Aries

    Mind you that was my opinion, you don't have to agree but pls respect yourself, We were having a civilized conversation until now

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