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TABBYTHECREATOR July 2, 2021 12:44 pm


Tabby June 25, 2021 12:41 pm

um these other comments about your dumb ass are too nice so lemme just make sure this gets through your thick fucking skull and pry it reaches ur marble-sized brain if you are not black, Afro Latina or anything with African descents don't say the n word it's that damn simple I don't know why your racist ass is obsessed with saying it but lets not it gets really old seeing bastards like you on the internet because I can't beat the fuck out of you but I sure can cuss you out

    life detective June 26, 2021 7:50 pm

    i m white with african descent i guess i can say nigger

    Fujo.kes June 29, 2021 1:57 am
    i m white with african descent i guess i can say nigger life detective


    Fujo.kes June 29, 2021 2:02 am
    i m white with african descent i guess i can say nigger life detective

    What tf is wrong with your old ass. get a life, you fat sloppy, no personality having bitch and I mean this in the most disrespectful manner possible kys and I hope no one loves you enough to come to the funeral. Sincerely a black person

    Trucksama June 29, 2021 2:32 am
    What tf is wrong with your old ass. get a life, you fat sloppy, no personality having bitch and I mean this in the most disrespectful manner possible kys and I hope no one loves you enough to come to the funera... Fujo.kes

    Oops that was an accident to post

    TABBYTHECREATOR June 29, 2021 8:41 am
    What tf is wrong with your old ass. get a life, you fat sloppy, no personality having bitch and I mean this in the most disrespectful manner possible kys and I hope no one loves you enough to come to the funera... Fujo.kes


    TABBYTHECREATOR June 29, 2021 8:43 am
    i m white with african descent i guess i can say nigger life detective

    thats bullshit and you know it shut ur slow ass up u just want an excuse to be racist PUH-LEASE

    TABBYTHECREATOR June 29, 2021 8:45 am
    Oops that was an accident to post Trucksama

    baes dont apologize

    Trucksama June 29, 2021 10:54 am
    baes dont apologize TABBYTHECREATOR

    Okay I won’t

    life detective June 29, 2021 3:48 pm
    Oops that was an accident to post Trucksama

    its k niggers make lots of mistakes cause thats how their brain work

    life detective June 29, 2021 3:49 pm
    thats bullshit and you know it shut ur slow ass up u just want an excuse to be racist PUH-LEASE TABBYTHECREATOR

    what excuse ? i live in africa and u said i can say it

    Trucksama June 29, 2021 4:08 pm
    what excuse ? i live in africa and u said i can say it life detective

    You can’t say it if you’re not above 50 percent racist

    life detective June 29, 2021 4:10 pm
    You can’t say it if you’re not above 50 percent racist Trucksama

    no i can

    Trucksama June 29, 2021 4:19 pm
    no i can life detective

    Yk what fuck you. I can’t argue with ignorance. You’re too stupid for me to waste my precious time on

    life detective June 29, 2021 4:30 pm
    Yk what fuck you. I can’t argue with ignorance. You’re too stupid for me to waste my precious time on Trucksama

    precious time xdddddd , honey u sit on ur fat ass all day to read yaoi

    TABBYTHECREATOR June 29, 2021 7:27 pm
    its k niggers make lots of mistakes cause thats how their brain work life detective

    bitch die

    TABBYTHECREATOR June 29, 2021 7:30 pm
    what excuse ? i live in africa and u said i can say it life detective

    ohhh i see what this is ur jealous of black people so you go around trying to be like us by saying the word that's really sad dude and YoU LiViNg In AfRiCa is complete bullshit because you would've got your ass beat if you did any of this shit irl pipe down social out cast

    TABBYTHECREATOR June 29, 2021 7:31 pm
    no i can life detective

    um no you cant

    TABBYTHECREATOR June 29, 2021 7:33 pm
    precious time xdddddd , honey u sit on ur fat ass all day to read yaoi life detective

    bitch please you spend your time being racist and transphobic crawl back into your sad ass hole in the ground and starve there

    TABBYTHECREATOR June 29, 2021 7:35 pm
    precious time xdddddd , honey u sit on ur fat ass all day to read yaoi life detective

    oh and just so you know ennead is a yaoi hypocritic

    TABBYTHECREATOR June 29, 2021 7:36 pm
    its k niggers make lots of mistakes cause thats how their brain work life detective

    your life is a mistake go end it

    life detective June 29, 2021 11:52 pm
    ohhh i see what this is ur jealous of black people so you go around trying to be like us by saying the word that's really sad dude and YoU LiViNg In AfRiCa is complete bullshit because you would've got your ass... TABBYTHECREATOR

    why would i be jealous of black ppl? black ppl can be rarely seen in my country and i mnot racist towards them. its just u said i can say the n word . as for the last sentence u r referring to urself indirectly which is funny

    life detective June 29, 2021 11:54 pm
    bitch please you spend your time being racist and transphobic crawl back into your sad ass hole in the ground and starve there TABBYTHECREATOR

    i dont spend my time being racist , saying the n word on the internet doesnt make u one . Bullying ,disrespecting or harming black ppl irl makes u racist

    life detective June 29, 2021 11:56 pm
    oh and just so you know ennead is a yaoi hypocritic TABBYTHECREATOR

    i have nothing against yaoi , i used to read it . its just she said ( she is wasting her precious time)on me , which isnt true.

    life detective June 29, 2021 11:58 pm
    your life is a mistake go end it TABBYTHECREATOR

    why would i listen to a minor who is virgin sexually but fucked in the head? and imagine being pansexual as a minor when u have never experienced sex and dont even know shit about what u like or dislike .

    life detective June 29, 2021 11:59 pm
    um no you cant TABBYTHECREATOR

    yes i can

    Milk_Tea July 1, 2021 5:36 am

    honestly, the author is a seriously cringe adult and just flat out embarrassing. no one likes them gladly and hopefully they stop uploading so someone else can upload it.

    TABBYTHECREATOR July 1, 2021 5:41 am
    why would i be jealous of black ppl? black ppl can be rarely seen in my country and i mnot racist towards them. its just u said i can say the n word . as for the last sentence u r referring to urself indirectly... life detective

    dont you say you live in africa

    TABBYTHECREATOR July 1, 2021 5:42 am
    i dont spend my time being racist , saying the n word on the internet doesnt make u one . Bullying ,disrespecting or harming black ppl irl makes u racist life detective

    baes it not ur world to say and the fact ur saying it with a hard er makes it even worst

    TABBYTHECREATOR July 1, 2021 5:49 am
    why would i listen to a minor who is virgin sexually but fucked in the head? and imagine being pansexual as a minor when u have never experienced sex and dont even know shit about what u like or dislike . life detective

    but sir i fucked your mom so how am I a virgin

    TABBYTHECREATOR July 1, 2021 5:49 am
    yes i can life detective

    yea no you still cant

    TABBYTHECREATOR July 1, 2021 5:50 am
    honestly, the author is a seriously cringe adult and just flat out embarrassing. no one likes them gladly and hopefully they stop uploading so someone else can upload it. Milk_Tea

    oh im glad to hear that they stopped uploading

    TABBYTHECREATOR July 1, 2021 5:55 am
    baes it not ur world to say and the fact ur saying it with a hard er makes it even worst TABBYTHECREATOR

    + you have no place to tell a black person what racist or not cuz honey what you said made no sense like do you not see the shit that you uploaded in that manga

    life detective July 1, 2021 7:47 pm
    + you have no place to tell a black person what racist or not cuz honey what you said made no sense like do you not see the shit that you uploaded in that manga TABBYTHECREATOR

    yes i saw and so what? its called dark memes and its not his problem u guys r cry babies

    life detective July 1, 2021 7:47 pm
    ohhh i see what this is ur jealous of black people so you go around trying to be like us by saying the word that's really sad dude and YoU LiViNg In AfRiCa is complete bullshit because you would've got your ass... TABBYTHECREATOR

    yeah but not all countries are full of black ppl especially north africa

    life detective July 1, 2021 7:48 pm
    um no you cant TABBYTHECREATOR

    yes i can

    life detective July 1, 2021 7:49 pm
    + you have no place to tell a black person what racist or not cuz honey what you said made no sense like do you not see the shit that you uploaded in that manga TABBYTHECREATOR

    no i have a place to tell whats racist or not cause i m a human and u can be racist to all ppl ,not only black ppl

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