Nnnn created a topic of Thy Will Be Done
Nnnn created a topic of Underdog Connection


Nnnn created a topic of Immediate Disadvantage

Yall.....what the fuck was this...10/10 the smut but..
That's some fucked up shit I'm going to pretend I can't read English for the sake of my sanity

Nnnn created a topic of Boy meets Girl

Bro...I think I've been reading to much fucked up shit I'm starting to like it...and not yall bullying their ugly ass baby

Nnnn created a topic of High School Boy

This manhwa gives me a reason to kms

Nnnn created a topic of Debut or Die

Anyone know if season 3 is confirmed in the works or when it's expected to release?

Nnnn created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

Wow....I was expecting this to be dark but not this type of dark...I can relate to Heeso about the whole abandoment issues because I have done the same thing (I'm getting therapy for it I promise

More chapters lets go (^°^)/ one of my favorite series I'm so happy it got updated

Nnnn answered question about what the heck is wrong with me
I think im better then eveyone else but then I'll get humbled fast. Or that I love when all the attention is on me.
Nnnn answered question about what the heck is wrong with me
Needles. I cant even look at one without having an anxiety attack, im always embarrassed when I need to have a shot and I will just sob
Nnnn answered question about question
Ao3 is my emotional support system. Ao3
Nnnn answered question about get to know you
Graduate here and honestly all i can say is, it's scary at thr beggining but then you kinda figure out little by little what your going to do. I planned on not attention college but here I am attending college LMAO. Honestly you'll figure it out as time goes. It's scary but exciting. You wonr reallt know what you want, you just go with the flow ~(......