If all the rich people start buying/eating sweet potatoes doesn’t that mean the commoners will be unable to buy them themselves? Because prices will go up due to high demand etc.
That’d be sad ):

Let me just paste my reply to an inquiry similar to yours that was made a week ago or so.
True but it is mot like there are that many nobles. Therefore I do not really believe that they can shift demand that much. You also need to remember that there would be a shift in domestic supply of potatoes. With simultaneous shifts like these, the price would be ambiguous but there would be a definite increase in the equilibrium quanity of the potatoes.
But if there is an increase in price:
Plus an increase in prices means that it would be quite beneficial to producers. If we were to be optimistic, this means the poor who used to grow potatoes will find a newer market to move into and gain a sustainable income selling potatoes for nobles.
.the expensive products would be on the pastries and sweets from triple sweets. Those nobles will probably order from her stores and she can help push forward the market for potatoes and help them all out.
Unless an opportunist decides to take this for granted and develop a potato plantation. But potatoes wouldn't be that expensive considering how easy it is to grow(based on my experience of owning some varieties of potatoes in the back of my house). The poor wouldn't be affected to much by this because I believe they would have this planted in their house as it is easy to grow and can substitute other meals when they are extremely poor or starving.

That doesn't necessarily mean that the price won't rise correspondingly. When someone can make more money off a single purchase of a item, they certainly will. It's only good business practice, after all! It's actually really common for food that was formerly only sold to very poor people to become extremely popular. Think of ribs or chicken wings-- they were largely considered to be essentially useless because of the lack of meat on the bone. Because of the low price point, they were purchased by very poor people who made them taste as delicious as possible with spices and marinades. Eventually they caught on with the wealthier subsets of the population and created a boom in demand that fully priced out the people who made them delicious. Now you'd be hard-pressed to find chicken wings in a pizza place in my area that wasn't at least two dollars per wing, and ribs can go for as much as steaks. The last place I went to that had them on them menu had them priced at 24 dollars! I can readily see sweet potatoes being priced out of the reach of commoners, who likely don't even have a minimum age in their world, which is a shame because they are so nutritionally filling.
Sorry for the info dump, this is just something I'm very passionate about! When I was a poor kid in college, sweet potatoes literally saved me from eating only ramen or rice for every meal (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

First of all thanks so much to all of u guys taking the time to share your knowledge on the situation, they were v interesting to read <3
Let’s hope that Chloe takes this (rise in price of sweet potatoes) into consideration when she starts sales of sweet potato desserts/teas, maybe she’ll source her sweet potatoes supply from local/common farmers!
Chloe’s been shown to care for the common people so if a problem does arise I’m sure she’ll try to fix it, It’d be upsetting (and maybe a bit out of character?) if Chloe introduces sweet potato to the nobles knowing that it will come at the cost of the common people :/ we’ll just have to wait and see how the situation pans out.

oh thank god i wasnt the only one thinking this. It had bothered me since the last update. I will be very pissed if it doesn't benefit the poor cuz price will go up and then suddenly poor ppl food turn into rich ppl food. In addition to the other persons example of chicken wings. Sushi also use to be a poor ppl food. And anyone whose had a roll knows how expensive that shit is.

But if you consider the principles of microeconomics it is uncertain that the price will increase.
First, there are actually not that huge if a population of nobles. But there might be a huge population of those who are in middle class who would be interested so their might be a valid increase in the demand. How about the supply?
With such an outstanding number of purchases you can expect producers to produce more potatoes.
Liek I said before, you can expect the potatoes to be grown in the backyards of poorer populations as a substitute during dire times. It is relatively easy to grow based on own experiences in my rural countryside life.
When you have a simultaneous increase in supply and demand, the changes in price is ambiguous. Price could stay the same increase or decrease depending on the shifts of both curves(supply and demand). If the supply happens to shift further than the demand, then price would actually decrease since more people are trying to produce more and more to fit the market for potatoes snacks.
Poorer middle classes or lower classes can join in this expansion of the market since they could have grown many of these since it was easy to maintain. Plus, it doesn't mean that the price of potatoes itself is expensive. It is the price of the sweets. The potatoes are the raw material for triple sweets. The rise can actually create a sustainable income for them. Unless like the person said, nobles decide to be cheap and use the potatoes in their garden lol.
Even of there is a hike in price, it wouldn't matter much to poor peasants farmers since potatoes are almost always grown if the land is suitable. And it is so easy to grow as well. So easy.
Let me show you an example,
My country has an abundance of potatoes and sweet potatoes. So so so much. But we are unoriginal and do not cook with them just boil it. Boiling potatoes does not sound appetising when we have alternative fruits for sour spicy delicacies at the same dirt cheap price. So hundreds of tons of sweet potatoes and pumpkins remained unsold. Producers were willing to sell it under production costs just to have them off their land and get a bit of revenue.
Farmers are bankrupted and left for the city because of this. Potatoes were literally left to spoil. I crave them so badly now because not many people actually grow it. And we don't care for it either.
I actualky wanted to create a business venture like chloe and planned some ideas a few years ago as I was empathising their condition. It would be great to introduce some popular and easy cuisines or snacks and bring these cheap produces back. Our agricultural sector is weakening an increase in prices would do wonders for poor farmers actually.

Lol I can read arabic and at first I thought it was just button mash but then I read it backwards and some of it was real! For example where FL is writing info down and end up with ink on her face she writes ‘nur Jahan’ in arabic it’s written correctly (when read backwards) I might go back to old chaos and try to read those backward too (::;
the next chapters, until chapter 50 can be found on the website pocket comics!!!!!