Please, I’ve had enough of this madness. I don’t need to cry every chapter. I’m supposed to be GANGTSA YOURE RUINING MY REPUTATION
Now I see why none of his relationships worked he didn’t even kiss any of them pls that would not have slide for me. I would’ve broke up with him too they’re like 17 years old ATP that’d just make me sad. mind you this is coming from someone who turns 21 this year and still hasn’t had their first kiss LMAO. Also, the overly innocence at 17 years old I just feel like it’s just so….. cringey like dawg I’m sorry also, it’s cute to see that Byul is bisexual
It doesn’t feel like Illic will ever have romantic feelings for him honestly and I hope he never does lol. Bc ik that he likes the king’s face and even the king himself even said I’ll probably never have his (illic’s) heart which I hope he never gets actually. I am pretty content with the relationship that they have now of basically Illic bein just stuck in that position bc he genuinely could never leave. Honestly I feel bad for Illic, I don’t need this to be a they fall in love blah blah blah bc it’s like for what? That king has done nothing for him to fall in love with him, so it’d be so lackluster & boring asf imo. I’m pretty happy with the King being obsessed and Illic just being like watever u weirdo bitch…..
Y’all are so dramatic she broke up with her boyfriend cause sorry not sorry Byul a bum relationship wise, which is why NONE of his girlfriends didn’t work out but mind you he’s just a teenager and now she wants him back cause she’s just a teenager too like hello. This is so normal and regular can we get real please wth over her mad at a girl for likin a cute boy yall are insufferable
I found her approach cute if anything I want them to kiss I don’t give a fuck bruh. She Tryna get her man back after she’s the one who broke up with him and I would too the fuck! I ain’t lettin fine shyt go! Yall too strict around here damn. Like yeah, we know who he’s going to end up with but Byul dates girls too like damn leave her alone! Like I look forward to seeing the gays together, but I’m not some crazy person hating on a girl for still liking her ex