don't worry, Liam isn't getting involved, the next chapter is just them all hanging out - it's just a mini catch up & Liam is also dating someone else now ^°^
plus roy & day are super flirty in Liam's bar cause they get tipsy LOL
Liam is in the next chapter and thats it then bedroom time for these two :3
ah, his uncle was poisoning him over time and now he is practically fully blind - which is why maximin painted his uncle a portrait of a snake that poisons people
spoilers from the RAWs
don't worry, Liam isn't getting involved, the next chapter is just them all hanging out - it's just a mini catch up & Liam is also dating someone else now ^°^
plus roy & day are super flirty in Liam's bar cause they get tipsy LOL
Liam is in the next chapter and thats it then bedroom time for these two :3
I hope you had the best day and thank you for convincing me not to drop this. I don't like stress and complications