I have a feeling that thing his dad mentioned where there was something/someone powerful that was coming (can't remember exactly what he said) could be Jin-woo once he gains more power?
It seems like with all the stuff about that one lady fearing his power, the thing that just happened with the warning, and what Jin-woo's dad said, could it possibly be foreshadowing to something? I hope he takes their warnings seriously, I'd be scared for him to turn evil because he's power hungry (︶︿︶)

At first when they were together I was like "oh.. that's it? That's how they end up together?" But then later on when they weren't together I was soo satisfied with the character development that was going on. They finally figured out their feelings for each other, they changed they ways they acted around others and each other( mostly Skyler with this part) and I was just in love with it all. I'm so glad I read this :))
These author notes get me every time
I'm starting to look forward to the notes even more now lmao