the mangaka said they do have classes it's just that's not the focus of the story totoro
ahh i see... bcs i read some viewers and readers kinda 'complain' by themselves that they want the charas here have actual class or something. i mean mangaka can do anything with their story tho.. if the mangaka have said that, then its a clarification
Just curious, are they actually study?
They study the art of friendship
the mangaka said they do have classes it's just that's not the focus of the story
Thanks for the info, its just that the recent chapter telling us the third years gonna graduted
ahh i see... bcs i read some viewers and readers kinda 'complain' by themselves that they want the charas here have actual class or something. i mean mangaka can do anything with their story tho.. if the mangaka have said that, then its a clarification