Coffee's experience ( All 0 )

Coffee's answer ( All 13 )

about be lgbtq
15 05,2021
I’m actually gonna be honest... I once stepped in my own poop that was fresh outta my ass. (Good thing I wasn’t the one who has to clean it up)   1 reply
15 05,2021
Wow y’all are talented at drawing... I was too lazy & how tf is my mental age 61(well maybe that is tru—)?   1 reply
14 05,2021
about question
I watched Zankyou no Terror recently and it was hella good. It’s honestly so underrated in my opinion.   reply
04 05,2021
Lol I tried my first time glass painting and I ended up doing Kanenogi san from Jingai-san no Yome He looks like he was playing with dirt cuz I kept on rubbing off the black outline and redoing it.... (Haha, still looks adorable tho )   reply
03 05,2021
18 04,2021
I think this feature is to show how long ago you read it. B/c one of the manhwas I was reading (only read one chap) said about a min after I read a chapter. And when I came back to look at it, the time increased to 20 min. (Plz correct me if I’m wrong tho)   2 reply
18 04,2021

Coffee's question ( All 0 )