i am currently simping for moonsung. he is very hot and attractive, he can fight, he helps out hobin and wants to be friends with him, and he is very caring for his friends and wants to help them out. he is also very attractive. i have screamed many a times when he has appeared.
i also love bomi she genuinely likes hobin and she isn’t like tsundere or whatever bs she is interested and really does like him and i hope they are endgame and that jiksae and gaeul also get together.
i hope taekwondo guy comes back and helps the gang out.

this was amazing. at first i really hated skyler and thought he was a horrible person but learning about how his mom tried to do all those things to him and seeing him really regret his actions and was truly sorry and tried to change himself really made me love him.
also fuck the mom she fr tried to kill him and abandon him when he was a child and she was toxic saying she was gonna kill herself cause of the divorce get out gurl and i feel bad for leo too he has to stay with her

i hate yahwi lowkey tho he's hot but he took advantage of jooin when he was drunk. rooting for cain my bb.
i feel so bad for jooin :( its clear he is constantly showing his interest in yahwi but its not being reciprocated and hes reminding himself that hes nobody special to yahwi and that everything he is doing is for naught :((( i cant wait for cain to come in and show jooin about love and shit idk fuck yahwi

bruh i fucking hate the pink haired bar owner and the controlling ass top. like the bar owner is annoying and i hate him and don’t get me started on the top. i really want the bottom to get with the officer but it doesn’t seem likely

For me its totally the other way round. The pink haired guy is the rather good one. But that tan hyung I don't think he is good. His personality with our uke and others has an upside down difference. Such ppl ain't good. Seme is an egoistic fucker ( but at least doesn't pretend his character like tan hyung, suck ppl r easy to read and simple minded) and uke is a self pitying, self assuming asshole ( such ppl don't make bold decisions, keep on running and then think they never did anything wrong and other ppl think life is bad for them and pity them).
y’all having fun? y’all laughing and shit? suha just taped the director. the director was asleep and unconscious but suha proceeded to rape the director because he was horny INSTEAD OF JUST PLEASING HIMSELF. this is not acceptable. and his thoughts at the end???? like he was like oh no and it was meant to be played off as a joke or whatever but he literally just raped him. i’m starting to hate suha after what he just did. if anyone else was in the directors position and they find out that they were raped they would be extremely uncomfortable because their s/o took advantage of them. once again, this is not okay. and the directors just going to play it off as a joke or “you should’ve woken me up” also pointing out that they made suha taking advantage of the director as a joke while the other guys-who i am not defending-as sexual assault when they are equally as bad if not suha worst. sorry for the rant and long paragraph